Chapter 19: Rail City Part 1

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I sleep without dreaming at all.

It's a privilege really since I don't have to deal with any nightmares and false hope.

The first thing that wakes me up is Jack gently shoving me.

"June wake up, we are here," he ushers into my ear.

I feel my eyelashes slowly flutter until my eyes fully open to meet his gaze.

He  looks deadly calm even though he had been having a crisis yesterday. He  must be either hiding it too well or forgetting it overall although I'm  not sure such a thing is possible.

I only yawn before standing up, both Jack and I follow the same routine we had before by jumping inside a crate full of cloth.

It is much better than the fish and warm until the box shifts up making us tumble to the side a bit.

It suddenly plops down and we are once again out in the open.

Jack checks our surroundings quickly before opening the lid and pulling me out with him.

Neither of us talks while we scurry away from the harbor unnoticed by all the sailors who are unloading the docks.

The streets here aren't empty and that makes me feel uneasy, people aren't entranced by the static but something else.

They are all chugging on wine bottles and stuffing their mouths with meat and bread.

The chairs can barely stand their obese bodies while these things continue to stuff their mouths with so much food.

Their odor is penetrating too so I only clench my nose while I follow Jack closely.

There  are rows and rows of buffets and food stands, all to the maximum  capacity so I suppose you could guess how it smells at this point.

"Why  is this place called Rail City? Sounds more like a buffet town to me," I  whisper to Jack but he does not respond, he is very concentrated on the  task in front of us.

It's because there are multiple train rails that pass the city, my mother answers instead and I nod in understanding.

"I  see, is there any place safe here? I don't want to be on the menu," I  ask while shuddering at the thought of one of those things getting ahold  of us.

"Yes," is all that Jack answers while grabbing my hand all of a sudden.

There it is.

The jittery and fluttery feeling in the middle of this apocalypse.

And it is all because of this boy, what am I going to do with myself?

My face must have gotten red because I hear my mother sigh suddenly.

You  should tell him how you feel June...I know you probably feel a bit  annoyed with my pestering but I don't want you to make the same mistake I  made, she replies and I frown, perhaps she did have a point but I just don't have the guts right now to do it.

I don't respond to her, I don't want Jack to listen so I only nod a no.

She sighs again but doesn't push it further.

Jack takes me through different alleys and empty streets as if he knew this place by the back of his hand.

I wonder how he knows so much but I only get rid of the thought as we continue to make our way past the apartments.

It's a little bit more lively here than Pale City.

The buildings are made out of red brick and there is a vintage feeling to all of this.

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