Chapter 15: Answers

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Hey, guys hope you  enjoy this chapter I also highly recommend you play my recommended music  for a much better experience. Stay safe y'all!

My heart is pounding while I feel Jack's weight on my shoulder.

He is so weak and I am afraid he will not make it if I am not quick enough.

"Do you know of a safe place here?" I ask the air, I know she's here.

I can feel her.

My mother is with me but I still have so many questions I am holding at the moment.

Yes, pick the third floor to the elevator, she responds with shyness in her voice.

I look at the elevator while dragging myself and Jack with the little strength I have left.

My legs feel wobbly and my head is throbbing but I ignore it when I hit the third floor's button.

The elevator immediately closes blocking the view of the deceased woman in front of us.

I feel scared.

I feel tired.

But mainly I feel so confused.

I'd just blasted a monster with my own hands.

We arrive on the third floor and I can feel her motioning us to one of the hotel rooms.

I drag Jack while pulling him close to me, the two of us had enough.

I look at the number.

Room 121.

I ignore it after when I slowly push open the door to reveal an old room with a single bed and bathroom.

It surprisingly does not look antique with a slightly more modernized bed although it is worn down a bit.

I feel my ankles pop when I push Jack upwards to the bed with both of my hands.

He groans and whimpers slightly in pain but manages to reach the top.

After I make sure he is there, I drag myself up too before collapsing next to him.

His breathing is so shallow until he closes his eyes and it steadies.

His snores echo through the room as his chest rises up and down.

I only smile a little.

At least he was okay for now, I'd have to check his bruises later though.

I can feel her here but neither of us utters a word.

I have so many questions yet I am afraid to ask anything.

This had to be a lie.

My mother?

How could such a thing be possible if my mother was back at home with my father?


Her voice suddenly startles me but I don't respond.

Aren't you going to say anything? she asks again and I feel my fists clench.

"Who are you?" those words come out with so much venom than I intend and I feel her frown.

I believe we both know the answer to that, her response infuriates me.

"That's it? Just like that?" I ask her with anger in my voice.

What do you want to hear then? she sounds frustrated and I feel my anger begin to bubble more.

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