Chapter 25: A Silent Way Back Home

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I don't even dare look  back as I hear Jack's sobs and my mother's whimpers as I get on Andrew's  carriage which is being driven by a shadow and shadow horse.

"Let's change your size, it's becoming annoying being much taller than you," he replies before aiming his hand at me.

I feel weird when I feel my small figure grows back into my original one as Andrew uses his powers on me.

"Shall  we?" Andrew asks when I am finally back to my normal stature. It  suddenly feels weird being tall again but I don't respond while I step  inside while holding tightly onto my arm which hurts like hell.

It is warm inside as I sit down on the nice cushioned seats before Andrew follows sitting right in front of me.

He gives me a sinister smile before the carriage begins to speed off.

I don't talk as I feel his gaze penetrating my soul, I don't even want to know what he must be thinking as he eyes me.

"You're wounded," he suddenly states and I shrug while I feel my blood slowing down.

"May  I?" he asks while scooting to my side and I flinch at his touch over my  hoodie. Memories of when he grabbed me at the manor flood back and my  body suddenly backs away as I feel fear overcome my senses.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he suddenly states before pulling my hoodie off.

I  feel naked when I am only left in my undershirt and he looks at the  wound on my shoulder. It's a fairly large cut and is still bleeding.

"Here let me bandage that for you," he replies taking a gauze from a small compartment and tying it firmly around my shoulder.

"That's better," he replies once he is done.

He then sits down on his regular spot before looking out the window while placing his pale hand under his chin.

I  suddenly feel confused by his new behavior, perhaps he is only  preparing for consuming me, I shudder at the thought but at least my  family and friends will be safe.

"How long till we get to Pale City?" I ask and he suddenly directs his attention to me.

"We  need to take a direct ship to Pale City, that will be six days and then  we will wed the weekend after," he replies and I give a short nod.

"How is my father?" I ask and he sighs.

"Worried about you," is all that he responds yet I find it difficult to believe after all that he's made me go through.

I don't hate him but I'm not sure if I'll be able to forgive him.

I clench onto the seat as I feel every bump and thud from the road until we finally reach the port.

Neither  I nor Andrew speaks to each other as we are greeted at the entrance of a  nice metallic ship with a group of maids already there to attend us.

I make my way inside as Andrew accompanies me to my own cabin before bidding me farewell.

It's been a long day and all I want right now is a bath and some sleep.


"Come in," I respond tiredly before a young maid comes inside with a bucket full of hot water.

"I'm here to assist you on your bath miss," she tells me looking down.

"Thank you and please I'd rather you refer to me as June," I respond.

"Very well June," she replies before scurrying to the washroom.

I can hear her pouring the water and arranging everything before coming out.

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