Chapter 9: It All Unveils

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I woke up feeling refreshed and happy.

Yesterday had felt like a dream but I was certain it had all been real.

That  calm scenario with my mother and father was odd but at the same time it  was amazing and I find myself wishing upon it again.

I  put on a lovely dress and go downstairs to have some breakfast, neither  of my parents are there surprisingly but my plate is still brought to  me so I eat surrounded by silence.

I am slightly confused by the absence of both of my parents, perhaps they have matters to attend so I try to eat fast.

I finish my meal quickly and go to my room and wear my hoodie, shorts, and gloves.

I  usually don't do this but I feel confident and comfortable when I wear  them. I look at my journal and I decide to tuck into my hoodie for some  reason with my shrink potion. It's not that I don't trust my  surroundings, it's just that something tells me I need to do this. I go  to the library and read some more fairy tales. Today I decided to go  with The Little Mermaid, it's an old classic but the idea of a  woman with a fishtail intrigues me. I read it only halfways until I am  interrupted by a knock on the door, I look up to look at my mother, she  has a stale expression when she looks at me compared to her changed  personality yesterday.

"June come downstairs immediately," she tells me and I raise a brow before shutting my book and following her.

I get a bad feeling all of a sudden as I continue to follow her until I am in the living room and my father is down with Andrew.

I  feel my legs turn to gelatin and my skin feels pale as I see Andrew  with his sinister smile just as in that nightmare a couple of days ago.

The atmosphere is tense and I want to run away but my mother suddenly grabs my shoulder firmly.

"I have come to visit you," Andrew speaks suddenly but I cannot utter a single word.

"Say something June," mother whispers harshly and I flinch.

"To what must I owe the pleasure?" I ask feeling stupid, I know what he has come for.

"To  let you know that all the arrangements for our wedding have been made  of course," he tells me and I feel a lump on my throat.

"We will be wedded tomorrow," he tells me with a smile and I feel crushed.

"So soon?" I dare to ask but no one seems to mind.

"Well,  of course, I don't think I could wait a single day anymore," he tells  me and I yank my arm away from my mother's grasp. This was too much and I  haven't gotten a sign yet from the amulet.

What was I going to do now?

My head hurts all of a sudden.

"May  I please have a moment alone with June?" Andrew suddenly tells my  parents and they both nod leaving me alone with that thing. I feel the  fear in my chest suddenly increase as Andrew looks at me up and down  while licking his lips before taking a seat on the couch.

"Come here," he suddenly instructs me but I don't think I can move so he stands up and pulls me towards him to sit on his lap.

"We will be wedded soon," he whispers into my ear and I begin to tremble.

"Do  not be afraid June, I won't do anything to you, I will be saving that  until our wedding night," he tells me and I flinch at what he is  referring to. I feel disgusted just at the thought of us sharing a bed  together but my thoughts are interrupted when he begins to stroke my  face with his sweaty hands.

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