Chapter 24: The Blind Eye

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We follow Bitty who walks quickly in front of us speeding.

"Are gnomes always this fast?" I ask while panting.

Bitty seems to listen since he slows down a little before looking down shyly.

"It's okay Bitty," I tell him which seems to make him cheer up.

" two seem to be getting along," Jack interferes and I send him a smirk.

"You jealous?" I ask him which makes his face flush red.

"No I am not," he responds with a humph, he's so adorable.

"Good,"  I respond while kissing his cheek and grabbing his hand. Suddenly both  his eyes close halfways while a goofy grin spreads across his lips.

"Dork," I mutter under my breath and he gives my hand a gentle squeeze before walking forward.

His fingers feel like silk under my own, we've held hands before but this time it felt different.

It feels much warmer and nicer than before, it feels more true.

"Jack?" I suddenly tell him and he turns around to face me with those enchanting eyes.

"Yeah?" he asks me smoothly.

I feel my heart skip a beat while I gather all the necessary courage I need.

"I love you," I say lowly and he sends me a smirk.

"What was that I couldn't hear you?" he asks coyly and I send him an annoyed look.

"I already said it," I tell him clearly annoyed but I don't let go of his hand.

"I know but I want you to really say it," he tells me and I pout.

Cunning shadow.

"I love you, Jack," I tell him more clearly now and I earn his smile.

"I  love you too June," he tells me and suddenly I have to hold in the urge  to kiss him again so I only wrap my fingers around his.

Bitty only looks at us curiously before walking forward while the stars provide some light in between the darkness.

I am glad you two worked things out, my mother tells us suddenly and I smile.

"I promise to take good care of your daughter ma'am," Jack suddenly tells her.

I know you will and please call me Six, she tells him and he smiles.

"Very well Six," he responds politely which my mother laughs to.

We  walk for a good while without coming across any shadows or monsters  thankfully until we reach the cave Bitty had told us about, it is fairly  large but there is no red glow.

I frown, I was hoping it'd still be there.

Either  way Bitty forwards us inside and I suddenly clench onto Jack's hand  tighter, I never liked dark places even if I had lived constantly in  them.

Jack turns on his flashlight once we go inside, it feels humid and damp.

There  are pillars hanging on its walls while a small river flows through it,  some gemstones glow under the moonlight while reflecting on its waters.

I've never seen anything like this before, it looks so beautiful unlike what we have had to encounter in the past.

I sigh in admiration at the wonders of nature that have not been yet distorted.

"Wow," I hear Jack mutter under his breath.

"Yeah," I agree while taking the scent of stone and water mixed together.

Little Nightmares June and the Blind EyeWhere stories live. Discover now