Chapter 5: Seeking the Truth

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I can't sleep again and I  shift in my bed again, this is becoming a routine that I can barely  cope with. It is windy and I can hear the movement across the manor, it  is loud and it is an appetizer to my insomnia. I have a new mission now  though, I need to find that person, I'm tempted to go tonight but I am  afraid.

I am afraid of what I might find or worse whom I may find.

I  continue to stare at the ceiling unable to rest until I hear my door  open slightly revealing the shadow of a slender and tall man.

"Are  you awake?" my father asks but I do not respond neither do I move until  he sits down on my bed facing me with his cold brown eyes.

I dare not to look at him until he speaks again.

"We are doing this for your own good my daughter," he tells me but I still don't respond.

"Your mother although she won't show it that much care for you and so do I," he tells me and I feel tense.

"Who are Mono and Six?" I dare to ask and that makes him freeze in the spot.

"Who told you those names?" he asks me coldly this time and I sit up to look at him dead in the eye this time.

"Should  it matter?" I tell him and I can see he is surprised at my response but  his frown still remains plastered on his face throughout the dark.

"You may not go anywhere for the time being until your fiance comes to visit you again," he tells me coldly before standing up.

"Your  breakfast and dinner will be brought up to your room and you still need  to continue your study sessions," and with that, he left and locked my  door using his powers, he didn't use a lock and key, he actually morphed  my door so I couldn't leave.


I  looked at my journal which I still had hidden and then at my bedroom  window, it would be a stupid idea but it could just work and I needed  answers now that my father really wanted me to marry this thing.

I  began by grabbing my covers before tying them together to form a rope,  my room was located on the second floor which meant I'd be high off. I  gulped before changing into my regular attire until I noticed some  fingerless gloves on top of one of my clothing boxes. I don't recall  seeing them before but I still put them on since they might come in  handy when climbing down.

I  slowly drop my rope made out of my bedding sheets and covers over my  window after opening it. It doesn't make any sound until I tie it with  my desk for support.

My  breath was hitching at this point but I still managed to get ahold of  my rope before slowly climbing it down. I use one hand then another to  climb down and surprisingly I see that my method is working even though I  feel terrified and try to ignore the height I am currently at. I am  almost at the bottom until I hear two familiar voices speaking outside  and I freeze in my spot while clutching to the rope.

"She asked me who Mono and Six were," a voice spoke.

"Do you know where she could have gotten that?" another voice asked.

"No, I do not, she is currently locked up in her room," my father suddenly became visible and I held my breath.

"Good, this is for her own good," mother said becoming visible as well.

I'm screwed.

"I'm worried my love," my father told my mother and I opened my eyes to look at the both of them in curiosity.

"I am too but we must force her if she does not comply," my mother told my father and I made my best effort not to faint.

I  see my father sigh but my mother removes his stress when she kisses him  deeply. I try not to gag, this is gross but I am forced to watch while I  wait for the right opportunity to escape. I suddenly see my father  carry my mother before going back inside the manor and I sigh in relief  before climbing the last bit down.

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