Chapter 11: Friends

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Jack is still smiling and even though our moment had been extremely awkward.

I had literally gotten on top of him and tickled his sides just moments ago.

My face still feels red and my leg doesn't bother me as much as what had happened earlier.

I look at Jack and he flashes me a smile, he doesn't look upset just amused.

"Your face is still red," he mocks and I give him a serious glare.

"Yours is still dirty," I counter back and he lets out a small laugh before standing up and  sitting next to me.

"I was just kidding," he tells me and I feel less annoyed when he smiles at me.

"How's your leg?" he asks all of a sudden and I take a glance at it, the blood looks dried up and it doesn't hurt anymore.

"It  doesn't hurt anymore but I think it's going to leave a scar," I reply  while taking off the bandage, there is a large cut across my entire leg  where the sailor had stabbed me but it has dried with a scab.

"Thanks about that earlier," I reply and he nudges my shoulder gently.

"I  kind of owe to you anyways since you saved me last time, I wish none of  this had happened though," he replies leaning back a bit.

"It's fine, I knew we would face things like this," I reply with a sigh.

"How  are you feeling...I mean it must be challenging seeing all of this and  living it," he asks me and I look at him frowning a bit before  responding.

"I've  always had nightmares and suffered from insomnia but after all of this,  I'd rather it all be a nightmare that I can simply just wake up from," I  tell him honestly and he frowns a bit.

"I'm  afraid and I don't know if what I'm doing is right but one can only  hope at this point," I add before leaning back into the cargo box. I was  afraid yet I knew I could not turn back at this point, this was all I  had left and now we had to find the blind eye. I don't know why the map  points to The Barrens but I have hope as the boat rocks us lightly.

I feel Jack's hand on mine all of a sudden, his fingers are laced around mine and I lift my head to see him.

My face feels as if it is going to explode any moment when he gives it a gentle squeeze.

"June," he murmurs into my ear and I feel my senses tingle.

"We  will get through this, I promise, I'll be by your side all the time,"  he replies and I feel my cheeks grow warmer every second but then I feel  my eyes water a bit.

"You promise?" I ask him feeling my voice crack a little.

"I do and if you ever need to talk I'm also here," he assures me and I hold his hand a little tighter.

"Thank you, Jack, I don't know how I'd be able to repay you though," I tell him and he gives me a smirk.

"You admitting that you are clumsy," he replies and my smile is replaced with an annoyed look.

"I'm kidding," he says all of a sudden, and I smile again, he wasn't cold as I originally had thought him to be.

Sure, he was sarcastic, but at the same time he was caring and humble.

He was my friend.

It seems as no one ever comes to this part of the boat, it is only Jack and me.

We can still hear footsteps from time to time above us yet no one comes down and that is a relief for both of us.

Little Nightmares June and the Blind EyeWhere stories live. Discover now