Chapter 28: The Last Chapter

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My blood runs cold and my face grows pale when Andrew's voice reaches my ears.

It couldn't be.

This couldn't be it not when I finally have my family back.

This can't be the end.

"Sorry to interrupt but June must come with me," he says in a cheery voice.

"My daughter is not going anywhere," my father suddenly growls but Andrew only laughs at his reaction.

"Oh but this is not up to you anymore Mono," Andrew replies before lifting my father off the ground with his powers.

"NO STOP!" I scream in horror as my father is choked to death in front of my eyes.

"STOP!" I plead until Andrew drops my father who is coughing in pain.

"Father!" I yell before running to him.

"Are  you alright?" I ask him but his eyes are glimmering with anger before  he stands up, his fedora has fallen of revealing his cold blue eyes and  pale face.

His eyes suddenly begin to grow with static and I know a war will break out unless I do something quickly.

"I will go with you!" I suddenly interject earning a terrified look from both of my parents and a sick grin from Andrew.

"Very well," he replies ignoring my father who is glaring at him with daggers.

"You  must leave my family and friends alone though...that is according to  our deal," I remind him and he grins even more sinisterly.

"Yes that is so, shall we then?" he says extending me his arm.

I look at both of my parents with a pang of guilt in my chest when I see their broken faces.

I mouth a "sorry" to the two of them as Andrew drags me inside the main chapel room where we will be wedded.

I  walk with Andrew holding me to his left side, my dress is a little  messy and my hair is ruined with only the veil to keep it in place.

There  is only what I assume to be a priest with no guests whatsoever to  witness this horrible day. Andrew is holding onto me tightly when we are  both up at the altar.

I spot my mother holding tightly onto my father tightly while tears stream down her face as she is witnessing everything.

I only hold my breath to avoid crying too.

My  father looks stern while he clenches his teeth in anger, I look at him  with pleading eyes, I don't want anything to happen to them.

I  don't listen to the introduction or readings until we are told to give  our vows. I clench my hands into fists while I try to maintain my  composure even though I feel like I am being drained every second.

"I  Andrew, ruler of this system promise to make you mine at all costs,"  Andrew's vow leaves me startled but I know this is no wedding but a  sacrifice.

"Now you miss," the priest tells me and I let out a sigh before reciting my vows.

"I June, daughter of the current rulers of this system promise to be yours," I reply in a shaky voice.

"Now do you Andrew take June as your companion?" the priest asks and Andrew only smiles before tilting his head a bit.

"I do," he replies before the priest turns his gaze to me.

"And you June? Do you take Andrew as your companion?" he asks me and I feel my hands shake along with my trembling body.

My breath suddenly begins to come out of my mouth while I try to say it too but it's very difficult.

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