Chapter 12: The Barrens

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I fall asleep shortly after Jack, his cape is covering the two of us and I can feel his shoulder brushing mine.

The heat won't leave my face as we sleep in the quiet atmosphere surrounding us.

Thoughts flood in my head while I twist and turn a bit.

How come did Jack feel too familiar now?

As if we had met in another life or a past one?

I  hated to admit it but all of this was getting to me, I find myself  missing my parents even though I was practically running away from  them.

I miss my father's rare smiles and his hugs.

I miss my mother and her sour attitude.

I miss the library and all my books.

I hate myself for missing it even though I now know all this to be a trap to be sacrificed.


I jolt up to the sound of my name, there is no one around though but it sounded so clear.

Oh June...

It  murmurs once more and I feel my skin grow pale, the voice of a child  calls my name and I clench a bit onto Jack's cape. He is still sleeping  and is unaware of what I am hearing.

June come...come June...come over here

It  calls and I feel suddenly drawn to it when I stand up and follow the  strange voice. My legs are moving unconsciously across the room as they  take me to the source of this mysterious call.

"Hello?" I call out lowly.

June over here!

The voice calls a little higher but it is so dark I can barely make out a thing as I walk.

Anything  is barely visible and I feel as the darkness is consuming me at every  second even though I am following this mysterious voice.

Hurry June!

The voice calls at me a little louder and I know I am near.

"Who's  there?" I ask a little too bravely and I hear a child's chuckle. My  skin feels even paler and I feel myself trembling, this can't be good.

June...why did you leave June?

The voice mocks me and I can feel something brushing my neck.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice is trembling at this point and I am not sure this was the wisest decision I made.

You don't need to know that right now June...just go back...go back to him

"Show  yourself," I whisper but it still hears me and laughs once more. My  feet are glued to the floor and I can't move as I feel whatever this is  brushing my skin. It is uncomfortable and cold, the air feels heavy and I  can barely breathe at this point.

All in good time June...we will meet again

The heavyweight suddenly lifts from my chest and I am able to breathe normally again.

I  run as fast as my legs can take me, my breath is hitching as I go back  to where Jack is asleep and shove his cape over my head.

This seems to wake him up because he twists and turns before opening his eye.

"June?" he asks groggily but I am too afraid to answer. My eyes are closed shut and my body is curled into a small ball.

I can feel hot droplets of liquid falling from my eyes even though they are closed.

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