Chapter 7: Jack

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I feel sad when I must take my leave and go back to the manor.

Everyone is frowning as well but I understand that I must go back at some point if I am going to do this.

I am finally with nana once again along with my new group of friends as Jack who won't utter a word to me.

"Remember June, you must take care of that talisman and never let it fall into the hands of anyone," she reminds me and I nod.

"How will I know when the time is right though?" I ask her, this is still a lot to take in.

"You will know dear, but you must go back now," she tells me and I frown.

"Why can't she stay? I am sure she'd be of great help," Amber claims.

"Yeah,  I mean she could learn the basics here with us," Valentina adds and  Hunter along with Manny are nodding in agreement. I smile with hope but  nana cuts them off.

"June  must return to her home to avoid suspicion especially of the one who  created this system, to begin with," she tells them and I frown again  but at the same time, I understand. If I suddenly disappear, my parents  along with Andrew may come looking for me and find the free zone.

"It is for the best, I cannot risk them finding this place," I agree sadly.

"For  now we must get ready for whatever is to come until the prophecy is  completed," she tells my friends and they all nod sadly.

"I am sure we will see each other again soon," I tell them and they smile all of a sudden.

"For  now Jack will accompany you home just as a precaution and when you are  ready for this task he will come to find you," she tells me and I see  his eyes widen in surprise and denial.

"I cannot-" he begins until he is cut off.

"And I am sure he'd be delighted to accompany you, am I right Jack?" and he frowns in annoyance before crossing his arms.

"Fine," he mumbles but nana smiles, and I suddenly begin to feel the bruises he caused me.

Jack doesn't speak a word to me as we walk through the drainage hole.

His cape hood is still down and I can see his black hair bouncing a bit as he walks in front of me.

He looks intimidating and I fear another beating if I am not careful.

We  eventually get out of the drainage hole and we continue to walk forward  in the same miniature size and I am slightly confused.

"Shouldn't we be faster if we are bigger of size?" I ask him and he sighs as if my question annoys him to his core.

"If  we are bigger, we might get noticed and the last thing I want is to be  seen with you," he tells me harshly and I flinch at his tone but I still  press him.

"Then how come were you in your regular size the last time I saw you?" I ask and he turns around to give me a questioning look.

"It's  easier to carry resources back to the safe zone," he finally responds  and I nod. I look at his facial features while we continue to walk and  notice a small scar under his black eye-patch. I wonder why he wears a  covering over his eye but decide not to ask him. It seems to be  something sensitive and we are not close in any way.

We  continue to walk in the quiet streets of Pale City, there is no one in  sight compared to the daytime and I feel a similar emptiness that I've  felt recently. The buildings tower us as if they could swallow us at any  minute and the flickering lights only cascade over the streets so  lightly barely giving this place a form of life. I look over at Jack  again, he seems unfazed by any of this and then I remember how Valentina  told me about his immunity to the broadcast.

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