Chapter 2: Oddities

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After studying for my  study session, I'm forced to go outside the manor and walk around the  corrupted streets of Pale City. Mother says it's to enforce my  appreciation for "the almighty's ruling" and also my fathers sacrifice  to make this a better world. I do not like my strolls since I am alone  when doing them and I'm rarely accompanied by someone which is odd, but  it is a necessity according to both my parents. I decide to wear my  comfort clothes when I go outside, it is the only time I can do so. I  put on my red hoodie, black shorts, and red shoes before going outside.

The streets smell of death and it is something I will never get used to.

No  one pays attention to me as I walk around the dirty streets, everyone  is either watching the static or minding their own business.

It  is always like this, but I ignore the fact and continue to walk until I  feel some droplets fall on top of my skin. Before I know it, rain is  pouring down and I pull my hoodie over my head for some protection until  I can go to my safe hiding spot. It is an abandoned building that used  to be an apartment complex, but no one lives there anymore so I usually  go there to ignore the chaos outside. The building comes into my view  and I head inside letting my hoodie down along with my hair. It's a  little wet but I ignore it before going to the fridge and grabbing a  soda. It's a delicacy which I try to salvage but, in this occasion, I  take one instantly before opening it and chugging it down.

I  felt somewhat at ease while the rain fell down and hit the windows.  This was the only place I could occasionally be myself. This was my  hideout where I hid some of the books, I had personally scavenged that  did not belong in the library back at home. I had romance novels and  more fairy tales which neither of my parents approved but I read them  nonetheless. Some embarked me on adventures while others took me down a  path of drama between a love triangle. I looked at Romeo and Juliet and  picked it up where I had left off. The tragic story of two lovers  separated by their hateful families but they end up dying anyways. Not  the same as Snow White but I mean its alright if you ask me. I look at  my clock again, it was time for me to head back so I pull my hoodie over  my head again while some of my black hair gets in the way of my vision. 

The  rain has slowed down a bit so it is not pouring anymore as it had been  moments ago so I walk a little slower. The streets are still static, and  I find nothing amusing about this place while I continue to make my way  to the manor. I ignore everything around me until a sharp figure dashes  across an alleyway, it is very quick, but I can make the image of a  person. I find myself suddenly chasing it with so many curiosities  popping in my head.

Another person!

I  had never seen another person aside from my parents, so I feel  excitement and curiosity well up in my chest while I run behind it.  Whoever this is they are quick, and it starts becoming quite difficult  for me to follow.

"Wait! Stop!" I yell at the figure, but this only makes it go faster through the streets.

"I  just...want," I say in between breaths but it doesn't stop. I  can finally get a closer view when it makes an abrupt stop. Whoever it  was, their face was covered with a cape and was tall (not quite as my  father though).

"Wait,"  I said again but before I could approach this person any further, it  ducked under a fence and was gone. I tried to get across, but it was no  use unless I had rope of some sorts, I wondered how this person could  have gone through, but I made a mental note I'd come back and see for  myself. I just needed to get a rope and come back but before I could do  anything else, I felt a presence behind me, an all too familiar one.

I sighed.

"May  I know why you are not at home daughter?" a voice spoke behind me. I  turned around to face my father who had a stale look even though I  couldn't see much under that hat he always wears. I didn't expect to see  him now, how did he even know I'd be here? I tried to hold my nerves  while I faced him.

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