Family Affair

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Next day, they got up and got ready for the party. Fatima and Zac come downstairs

Anita: Hey baby how are you feeling?

Fatima: I'm okay mama.

Anita: you slept all day yesterday.

Fatima: Zac told me.

Anita: y'all want something to eat?

Fatima: No, I'm not really hungry.

Anita: Fatima baby you gotta eat something.

Fatima: okay, fine I'll eat a something.

Zac and Fatima sat down and ate.

Zac: That was good mama

Anita: thank you son. The men are out in the back if you want to join them.

Zac: okay, I'm about to see what they up too. Baby you need anything?

Fatima: No baby I'm okay.

Zac goes out to the back with the men.

Anita: Fatima what's going on with you? And don't say nothing because you haven't been the same since we ran into Ian yesterday.

Fatima: it still hurts.. Seeing him trigger every emotion from that day.

Anita: I know baby. But hiding it want make things any easier. You gotta talk and not shut down.

Fatima: I know ma.

Anita: Baby walk with me, you see that man right there. He's a good man Ti, and you can't hide anything from him because he sees you.

Fatima: I know he does, and I hate that this is even happening.

Anita: it's life baby. And something that painful is hard to deal with. But you're not in it alone.

Aisha walks through the door.

Aisha: what y'all in here talking about?

Anita: these men out there.

Aisha: what they doing?

Anita: nothing just cooking and talking.

Fatima: where's Mike?

Aisha: he's coming in.

Fatima: and how's that going.

Aisha: since our talk in Atlanta. Things been good.

Fatima: that's good.

Anita: well both of y'all ass stubborn. And if y'all don't get out y'all own way, y'all gonna lose those good men.

Fatima: Well Angela and Bryan should land in another hour. I gotta head to pick them up from the airport.

Anita: okay baby well drive safe and take your sister with you.

Fatima: she gonna stay here and help you. Plus I just wanna have this time by myself.

Aisha: you sure?

Fatima: yes.

Aisha: okay

Fatima go out back to let Zac know she's about to go pick Angela and Bryan up from the airport.

Zac: hey baby everything okay?

Fatima: yes, I'm about to go pick Angela and Bryan up from the airport.

Zac: okay baby. You need me to go with you?

Fatima: no, I just need this lil time to myself.

Zac: okay baby, I love you.

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