We're Family

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They're all get to their room.

Zac and Fatima room

Fatima: Baby I'm about to go take a shower.

Zac: I'm coming with you.

Fatima: No you're not.

Zac: Why not?

Fatima: Because your horny ass be taken to long and we got dinner at 6 and it's 4:30

Zac: I promise I'll be good.

Fatima: That's a lie. Because you can't keep your hands off me Mr.Taylor

Zac: You're right. But I promise I just want to take a shower with you, that's it.

Fatima: Fine come on..

Over in Jordan and Andi's room..

Jordan: Baby I'm glad that you took a chance on my sister. For one, she would have never met Zac. And to see the way they love each other is special. And two, I would have never met the love of my life.

Andi: I'm glad as well. And Fatima is something special. She loves hard and cares deeply. I don't think I ever seen two people love each other the way that they do. Not saying that it isn't out there. But to see it for myself and in front of me, is beautiful. Zac has he's flaws but Zac really really loves her. Because when he was with Karen, he wasn't the man that he is now. And I believe it's because he never thought he was ever good enough to be loved or be him.

Jordan: He's a man and he's only going to do what he was allowed. Not saying it's right. But most people who's searching for themselves only see love as a form of what they're given. And for a person who's never been shown love or was never taught what love is, will see love in a form of hurt, brokenness, betrayal, etc, until someone comes along and show them different.

Andi: I understand that now.

Over in Mike and Aisha room.

Mike: Baby

Aisha: what's up?

Mike: Let's get married.

Aisha: When?

Mike: While we're here.

Aisha: For real?

Mike: Yes, we already got our marriage license, we just need to get married now.

Aisha: Let's do it.

Over in Preston and Dani's room

Preston: This was nice of them to invite us on this couple trip.

Dani: It really was.

Preston: Zac loves you hell out of Fatima.

Dani: Yes he does and she loves him just as much. I've never seen Zac so happy and peaceful.

Preston: What you mean.

Dani: You know how a person is when they're anxious.

Preston: Yes.

Dani: Its like he was always running from something and couldn't be still. With Fatima, he's more mellow and calm.

Preston: I can definitely see that.

Over in Darius and Jasmin room

Jasmin: Do you think Fatima's mad at me?

Darius: For what?

Jasmine: Because I'm dating you.

Darius: Baby no. Yes that's my sister. But she's not that type of person to just not like a person until you give her a reason to.

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