Ava Imani

1.1K 54 11


Born Jan 18

6lbs 14oz and 20ins long

Zac: Baby I can't believe she's actually here

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Zac: Baby I can't believe she's actually here.

Fatima: right seems like it was just yesterday.

Zac: She's everything I've ever imagined.

Fatima: She really is.

Zac: And we're finally home with her.

Fatima: I couldn't ask for a better life then the one I have. Zac you're such an amazing man. And you have giving me one of the greatest gifts in the world. And I've fallen more and more in love with you. When I watch you interacting with our daughter, it makes my heart smiles. This is all I ever dreamed of. Having a man of God, love, faith, hope, passion, and so much more. I love you baby and I will love you for the rest of my life. You have my heart, mind, and body. I'm so lost in love with you.

Zac: Baby this is my dream. I was never taught how to be a man, husband, or father. I didn't see that growing up. But you made me want to be the best version of myself, Not only for me but for you and our daughter as well. Fatima, baby I'm past the point of in love. Everyday I wake up I give thanks to God for waking me up and blessing me with you. Baby you and our daughter are my heart. Y'all are my forever. I wouldn't be able to survive without the two of you. I love you baby.

Fatima: There's nothing in this world that could ever make me stop loving you.

Zac: Hey daddy's baby girl. You have officially become my favorite girl In the world, but shhh, don't tell mommy I said that. You're just so perfect and so beautiful. You look just like mommy. Mommy and daddy loves you so much princess. And you've stolen both of our hearts. But it's okay, at least me know it'll always be safe. Goodnight daddy's baby. ( kisses her forehead )

Fatima sings and rocks Ava to sleep.

Fatima: You ready for bed daddy.

Zac: Yes

They get in the bed and Fatima lie in his arms and they just talked until they both fall asleep.

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