I'm Sorry

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Fatima: Hello

Lady: Hello can I speak to Mrs.Taylor

Fatima: This is her, who's calling?

Lady: This is Monica from the Atlanta Center for Mental Health. And we have someone by the name of Aisha Keyes here at our facility, and she is asking for you and that you come along.

Fatima: Okay I will be there.

Fatima hangs up the phone.

Andi: Sis everything's okay?

Fatima: Yes I just gotta go take care of something real quick. Can y'all watch the babies for me?

Andi: Sure. But what's going on?

Fatima: I can't explain now but I will when I get back.

Fatima got her things and headed out.

Over with the men

Jordan: Well no luck today. We'll start back when the sun comes up.

They headed back to Zac and Fatima's

Jordan: Zac I don't say this a lot but thank you for loving and caring for my sister the way that you do, you're a good man. And right now she really needs you so please don't leave her side.

Zac: I appreciate that brother. I love your sister and I will always be by her side.

Back with Fatima

Fatima saw Aisha and she run to her and embraced her and breaks down.

Fatima: Aisha really, this is what you do to me. Got me out her about to lose my fucking mind.

Aisha: I'm sorry sis, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just found myself falling back into that trap that I was in.

Fatima: Why didn't you talk to me. I would've been there for you? Yes I have a family but you are still my sister, my only sister at that. Do you know how hard it was for me to go through each day, not knowing if you were dead or not? It hurts like hell.

Aisha: I know and I'm sorry. That night after the separation and everything sunk in, I wanted to die. The pain that I was feeling and everyone just living their lives happy with their families. What was I supposed to do?

Fatima: Say something. You think you taking your life wasn't going to affect me? Because it would have broken me. And I don't this I could've survived knowing that my lil sister took her life, knowing that I could've help safe her life. I don't think you ever think about the outcome of the thing you do and how it may affect others, you just do it. ( crying )

Aisha: Please don't make me feel worse then I already feel. I'm really sorry that I hurt you. I wasn't thinking, I was just reacting off my thoughts and emotions. ( crying )

Fatima: Sis I love you and I want the best for you. I want to see you healthy and strong. Please sis please talk to someone. How long are you going to be here?

Aisha: I can leave anytime. I was hoping that I could go back with you and stay with you for a lil while.

Fatima: I would have to talk to my husband first but let's just get through the night and we will talk about it in the morning.

Aisha: We can do that.

Fatima: Get your things and we gonna get you out of here.

They got their things and they heard back to the house. And her phone rings.

Fatima: Hey baby.

Zac: Hey baby, where are you? Is everything okay?

Fatima: Yes baby everything's good. I'm headed back home now.

Zac: Where you go?

Fatima: I will talk to you when I get there.

Zac: Okay, I love you.

Fatima: I love you too baby.

They hang up.

Aisha: I want that type of love.

Fatima: Aisha you already got that type of love. Yea Mike fucked up, and make the best decision. But he loves you. I know he cheated, but that doesn't make him a bad man because he cheated, it just makes him human.

Aisha: I don't know how ima face everybody?

Fatima: Don't worry about that, we'll face them together. As long as you promise me something.

Aisha: And what's that?

Fatima: You not only be honest with everybody else. But you be honest with yourself.

Aisha: What you mean?

Fatima: Aisha, you're not okay. I know you and I know that you're not well.

Aisha: That's something that you always did. You always see a person from the inside out.

Fatima: Because I know what pain feels and looks like. And I understand the ugly it could lead to. And I don't want that for you are anyone else. I'm just happy you're okay.

Aisha: I appreciate that.

Fatima: We're going to get you some help, but you have to be willing to work with me on this. And you have to want it for yourself.

They make it back to the house.

Fatima: We get in here I want you to shower and I will cook, because I know you haven't had a good meal in a while.

Aisha: I really haven't.

Fatima: Well you about to tonight.

Aisha: Thank you for everything sis.

Fatima: You're welcome sis. I got you and I always will.

They got out the car and went into the house.

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