Coming Together

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It's been two weeks and no one has seen or heard from Aisha. No calls, text, No nothing.

Zac: Baby I know you're worried about her but wherever she's at, she's okay.

Fatima: Baby I want to believe that so bad.

Zac: Well baby now isn't the time to stop believing now give up. She needs her big sister to be strong for her. We're going to find her I promise.

Over at Jordan and Andi's

Mike: What's up

Jordan: Mine Aisha is missing.

Mike: And what do you want me to do about it?

Jordan: She's still you wife Mike

Mike: Is she?

Jordan: Look Mike right now we much set aside everything and put our focus on finding Aisha. She needs all of us right now.

Mike: Fine, where are we meeting up at?

Over at Darius and Jas

Jas: Baby hope she's okay

Darius: He bet not have done anything to my sister.

Jas: Baby you can't focus on him right now. She needs all of you right now.

Back at the Taylor's

Jordan: Sis look at me, you can't break down on us right now, you gotta be strong.
We're going to find her, and she's going to be okay.

Fatima: It just gives me flashbacks to last time.

Jordan: This isn't like last time. She's okay sis I promise.

Knock knock knock

Zac opens the door

Darius: What's going on bro

Zac: What's up bro. Hey sis

Jas: Hey bro. Where's Ti?

Zac: In the room

Jas goes in the room

Darius: How she been holding up?

Zac: Not good. She's present but she's not here.

In the room

Andi: Sis you can't give up now. We got you.

Fatima: I can't do this.

Andi: You can, because you're the strongest of us all. And we need you.

Knock knock knock

Zac opens the door.

Zac: Hey come in.

Fatith: Hello Zac, where's Ti.

Zac: Hey Faith, she's in the back.

Faith: You remember Tray don't you.

Zac: Yes, What's up bro.

Tray: What's good?

Knock knock knock

Zac answers the door.

Zac: Come in

Darius: What the fuck he doing here.

Mike: I was asked to come.

Darius: By who?

Jordan: I asked him to come.

Darius: Well we don't need you. So you can leave.

Mike: And what you gonna do if I don't?

Jordan: Darius stop that. We need all the help we can get.

They got to Arguing and Fatima comes out the room.

Fatima: Both of y'all shut the fuck up. Y'all not about to bring none of that shit into our home where our babies lay their head.
Now I'm about sick of the bullshit with y'all. Y'all to fucking grown to be bickering back and forth like some lil ass kids. Y'all either going to be here to help find Aisha or get the fuck on, you choice. But I'm not having it from either of you.

Jordan: She's right.

Knock knock knock

Fatima: Get the fucking door.

Zac answer the door and Fatima walked upstairs

Angela: Hey bro

Zac: Hey sis, wuz up bro?

Bryan: What's going on bro?

Zac: I'm making it.

Angela: Where's Ti?

Zac: She's upstairs, but give her a min.

Zac makes his way upstairs.

Zac: Baby you okay?

Fatima: I'm good

Zac: No you're not baby, You're shaking. ( Held her )

Fatima: I just wanna find my sister. ( crying )

Zac: And we will baby. It will all be over soon, I promise you.

Fatima: Baby I love you.

Zac: I love you too baby.

They head back downstairs

Angela: Hey sis

Fatima: Hey, thank y'all for coming.

Angela: Ofc, you know we got you.

Jordan: You good sis?

Fatima: I want be okay until we find Aisha.

Jordan: And we will

Fatima: Before we leave let's join together and pray.

Everybody joined hands in prayer.

Fatima: Father God we come to you today joining hands in prayer, Praying that wherever Aisha may be that she's safe, and well. Father God I pray that you allow this search to go smoothly and that you wrap your arms around each of us and protect us in every way possible. Give us the strength to get through this difficult time where all we can do is depend on you. Father God I know that in your words you say that a family that prays together stays together. So we're coming together as one family and one union because we're all we got, and we're nothing and can do nothing without you. Father God we thank you for what you've already done. And in your Holy Name we Pray, Amen

Everybody: Amen

Fatima: So listen, everyone knows what group they supposed to be in and we want stop until she's found. I don't care if it takes us all day and all night, y'all got it?

Everybody: Got it

Fatima: I love each of you, we are a family. When one hurt, we all hurt. And we will get through this together. Y'all ready?

Everybody: Ready!

Fatima: Well let's head out.

They headed out the door.

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