Fatima's 6 weeks check up

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3 hours later Zac wakes her up.

Zac: Baby wake up. Mom is here and we gotta get ready to head to your appointment.

Fatima: Okay baby. Where's Ava?  

Zac: Sleeping.

Fatima: okay, good.

Fatima gets up and gets ready for her appointment.  30 mins later she heads downstairs.

Anita: Hey baby. 

Fatima: Her mama.

Anita: You doing okay?

Fatima: Yes I'm doing good.

Anita: That's good.

Fatima: Well here's her medicine just in case she gets a fever. And her bottles are already made in the fridge.

Anita: Okay baby.

Fatima: Well me going to head out.

Anita: okay, see y'all when y'all get back.

Fatima and Zac heads out. 30 mins later they makes it to the doctors.

Zac: Ready?

Fatima: Yes

They gets out the car and go into the doctor office.

Receptionist: Good afternoon, how can I help you.

Fatima: Yes Fatima Taylor. I'm here for my 6 weeks appointment.

Receptionist: Yes got you checked In someone will call you back shortly.

The sat down and waited to be called back.

Medical Assistant: Fatima Taylor

They gets up and walks back to the examination room.

Medical Assistant: Someone will be right with you.

Fatima: Thank you.

Zac just looks at Fatima.

Fatima: Baby why you looking at me like that

Zac: You just so damn fine.

Fatima: Okay now Mr.Taylor. Don't start that.

Zac: What, I can't just admire my wife.

Fatima: Yes baby you can admire me all you want.

Nurse comes in.

Nurse: hey Mrs.Taylor, how's everything going.

Fatima: Everything's going good?

Nurse: That's good. Let's gets your vitals checked out.

The nurse checks out Fatima

Nurse: Everything looks good. The doctor will be with you shortly.

Fatima: Thank you.

Nurse leaves out.

Zac: Baby we gotta decide on what we're going to do about birth control.

Fatima: I've already made up my mind that I'm going to get on birth control.

Zac: You sure that's what you want?

Fatima: yes, I'm not popping out another baby right now.

Zac: Okay baby if that's what you want then I'm with it.

Doctor walks in

Doctor: Hello Mrs.Taylor how are you?

Fatima: I'm doing well.

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