Truth Unveil

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Knock knock knock

Fatima: Come in.

Andi walked in and sat down.

Fatima: You just gonna sit there in silence, or are you going to tell me what's wrong?

Andi: Like why me? Why did this had to happen to me?

Fatima: Its life babe. I can't explain why, but things happens for a reason.

Andi: I know but why now?

Fatima: Well did you get all the answers you needed?

Andi: Ti, they were in love. They were married and in reality they still were married when she passed away.

Fatima: I'm sorry sis. I couldn't imagine how hard it was to hear that?

Andi: And Ti, I have a sister.

Fatima: Did he say where she was?

Andi: No, he said her mom left when she was pregnant with her. And never said where she was going for years. And it wasn't until she was on her dying bed that she told him that he had a daughter.

Fatima: Hold up. Is you father's name Aaron Michel?

Andi: Yes, but how do you know that.

Fatima: Because my client, her fathers name is also Aaron Michel.

Andi: So you mean to tell me that we were all just in the same building and missed each other.

Fatima: I'm telling you that your sister could possibly be my therapist.

Andi: Well what's her name? What she's like?

Fatima: Her name is Faith Johnson. And I don't know too much about her. But she's a really sweet person. She has help both Zac and I through a lot of our most challenging times.

Andi: So the therapist you've been seeing for years could possibly be my sister?

Fatima: Yes, and I have a strong feeling that she is your sister.

Andi: Wow, that's crazy. I wouldn't know if it was her because he never gave me a name. All he told is is that I have a sister and that her mom left before he ever got the chance of meeting her.

Fatima: So what sis you wanna do?

Andi: I wanna meet her. I wanna get to know her, what she's like for myself.

Fatima: I tell you what, come to the house after work and I will have her to come over.

Andi: You'll do that?

Fatima: Yes, sis I want you to get to know her for you, and experience her for yourself.

Andi: Thank you so much sis.

Fatima: I told you that I got you.

Andi: I love you sis

Fatima: And I love you more babes.

Andi: So you say after work?

Fatima: Yes, once I get home settle down and spend some quality time with my babies and hubby. And I will have you both over.

Andi: Okay, gotcha. Do I need to bring anything?

Fatima: Do you ever have to bring anything?

Andi: No

Fatima: Well then, just bring yourself and I got the rest.

Andi: Okay, I'm just nervous.

Fatima: Don't be, everything's going to be okay and work itself out. So don't worry yourself.

Andi: You don't know how much I appreciate you. Thank you so much.

Fatima: You're welcome sis.

Andi leaves out and Fatima calls Faith.

Faith: Hello!

Fatima: Hey Faith, are you going to be busy later today?

Faith: I don't have anything planned, why what's wrong?

Fatima: Nothings wrong, I just need you to come by my house later today.

Faith: What time should I be there?

Fatima: I will call you when I make it home from work.

Faith: Well I'll see you then.

Fatima: Okay bye bye.

Fatima hangs up and call her mom.

Anita: Hello!

Fatima: Hey mama I was just calling to check on my babies. How are they?

Anita: They good. I just made lunch for Ava and fed lil man.

Fatima: Aww I miss my babies.

Anita: Well they good. I'm actually about to put them down for a nap.

Fatima: Okay then. Have that husband of mine been calling?

Anita: He called maybe twice.

Fatima: Okay then. Well ima let you go and get back to work. Kiss my babies for me.

Anita: Okay baby. Love you

Fatima: I love you too.

Fatima hangs up and she gets a knock at her door.

Fatima: Come in

In walks Zac

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