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Zac is downstairs with the baby cooking breakfast while Fatima is upstairs sleeping.

Zac: Hey daddy's baby girl, how's daddy baby doing. Mommy is still sleeping, but she'll be down soon. Until then daddy about to cook breakfast.

Zac cooks breakfast and Fatima wakes up, brushed her teeth and washes her face and jumps in the shower. Shortly after she gets out, dries off and gets dressed and headed downstairs.

Zac: There goes my Queen. Good morning baby. ( Kisses him )

Fatima: Good morning my King. And good morning mommy's princess. Daddy down here burning up something.

Zac: Don't do me.

Fatima: I'm just playing baby. It looks good and smells good.

Zac: We'll it taste even better.

Fatima: I'm pretty sure it does.

Zac: Well let's eat.

They sat down and ate

Fatima: So Ava has a appointment in the morning at 9 and I have one at 2

Zac: okay and is she getting her 6 weeks shots then?

Fatima: Yes, I think she is.

Zac: okay are we going to get mama to come over here to watch her while while we go to your apartment?

Fatima: Yes, I can see if she could.

Zac: Okay.

Fatima: And always I wanna ask Andi to be Ava's godmother.

Zac: I think she would love that.

Fatima: Since I moved here, she has head me down, even when it came to Karen. And she's also the first person who gave me a chance.

Zac: And I think Bryan should be her Godfather.

Fatima: I was thinking that as well. The two of you have gotten close.

Zac: Yea he also took a chance on me when it came to starting the real estate business together. Which has taken off.

Fatima: And I go up for my bar exam next week.

Zac: And when you pass it. It's us against the world.

Fatima: It's already us against the world.

Zac: That part!

Fatima: So whatcha going to give me when I pass it?

Zac: You just going to have to wait and see.

Fatima: Oh it's like that.

Zac: Yep, exactly like that.

Fatima: Okay, I see how it is Mr.Taylor. But I'll wait.

Zac: I love you baby

Fatima: I love you too daddy.

Zac: You keep playing with me, and see what happens.

Fatima: Negative. I haven't even been released from the doctor yet.

Zac: Yea we'll see tomorrow.

Fatima: Okay ( Laughing )

Zac: Let's watch a movie.

They go into the living room and put on a movie. And Fatima fed and changed the baby.

Fatima: How much you think she weighs now?

Zac: Like 13lbs 6oz

Fatima: I say 12lbs 8oz

Zac: okay and whoever's right gets whatever they want?

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