Water Broke

532 42 4

8pm June 19th

Andi: Zaccccc!!!

Zac: What's wrong?

Andi: It's time..Ti water just broke.

Zac: We gotta call the midwife.

Jessica: Hello

Zac: Hey Jessica this is Zac, Fatima's water has broken.

Jessica: Okay, be right there.

Zac hangs up and Andi calls Fatima's mom.

Anita: Hello!

Andi: Sorry mama for calling late but it's time. Ti water broke, we're waiting on the midwife now.

Anita: It's okay baby and we're on our way.

15 mins later the midwife arrives. They got Everything set up for her to have the baby.

Fatima: Baby you call mama?

Zac: No I didn't.

Andi: I did.

Fatima: Thank you sis.

Andi: How are you feeling?

Fatima: Ready for it to be over.

Andi: I know sis but you got this.

20 mins later Jessica makes it.

Knock knock knock

Jessica: Hello Mr.Taylor

Zac: Hi Jessica, come on in.

Jessica: How are we?

Fatima: Ready to have this baby.

Jessica: Let's check to see what's going on. This going to be a lil pressure.

Jessica checked to see how many cm she was dilated

Fatima: Is it time?

Jessica: Not quite. You're just 5cm

Fatima: I don't know if I can do this..

Jessica: Yes you can. Try walking around a lil.

Fatima walks around

Knock knock knock

Zac answers the door.

Zac: Hey mama, hey pops. Come on in.

Anita: Hey son. How is she.

Zac: She's doing good. She's 5cm right now. You think it's going to take long?

Anita: It could be. It all depends on the baby.

Zac: He is a stubborn lil fella.

Anita: He's definitely that. Or he could come quick.

1 hour 1/2 went by

Zac: Baby hang in there it's almost over.

Andi: You got this Ti. In a min y'all about to have a beautiful baby boy.

Knock knock knock

Andi answer the door

Andi: Hey sis,

Aisha: Hey sis. How is she?

Andi: She hanging in there.

Aisha: Hey babes? How are you feeling?

Fatima: Sis I just want it to all be over.

Aisha: Aww baby it's almost over. How many cms she's dilated?

Fatima: Last time I got checked, i was 5

While they wait Fatima mom told a story.

Anita: I remember when I was pregnant with you Ti, you were a stubborn lil baby. You did not want to come out. I was in labor with you for hours after hours. And after 18 hours of labor, you finally made your entrance into the world.

Andi: Did you say 18 hours?

Anita: Yes 18 hours and guess what?

Andi: What?

Anita: She's still stubborn.

Aisha: Oh she's definitely that.

Zac: Leave my baby alone.

Aisha: Well it's the truth.

Fatima: Shut up.

Zac: Baby you okay.

Fatima: I'm just in hella pain right now. I'm trying to weigh it out but I don't know how much longer I can hold it in.

Zac held Fatima's waist and lays his forehead up against hers.

Zac: Baby listen to me, you got this. You're so strong and I love you so much. Just think about it. In a min we're going to have a beautiful, happy, and healthy, baby boy. This pain is only temporary, it'll all be over soon, okay?

Fatima: Okay baby.

A hour went by

Jessica: Let's check you.

She checks Fatima

Jessica: Oh it's time to have this baby.

Everybody left the room expect Andi, Zac, Anita, and the midwife.

In the next room?

How much y'all think he's going to weigh?

Jordan: I say 7lbs 14oz

Jasmine: 5lbs 12oz

Darius: I say 6lbs 11oz

Mike: 7lbs 5oz

Aisha: I say 5lbs 3oz

James: I just want a healthy grandson

In the room with Fatima

Andi: It's almost over sis.

Doctor: One more push Mrs.Taylor

Zac: Baby you're doing so good.

Anita: Come on baby you got this.

Doctor: 1 2 3

Fatima pushes and baby Zion came out crying.

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