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It's been a couple days, Ava is better and Zac and Fatima are both on their way home from work. They made it home around the same time. They get in the house got Ava settled. There's a knock at the door.

Knock knock knock!!

Fatima opened the door.

Girl: Is Zac here?

Fatima: And you are?

Girl: Can you just get Zac?

Fatima: Like I said, you are?

Zac: Baby who is it- Jayla what the fuck are you doing here? And how the fuck you get my address.

Fatima: Zac who is this?

Girl: That's none of your business?

Fatima: When it comes to him, he is my business. So you either going to say who the fuck you are, or get the fuck off our front steps. Now again Zac, who the fuck is she?

Zac: Baby calm down, that's Jayda.

Fatima: Ohhh, the grimy ass sister of yours. The same mf that helped break you?

Zac: Yep, that's her.

Fatima: What the fuck do you want with my husband?

Jayda: Oh you married a even dumber bitch.

Fatima: Zac you better get this bitch before she end up in a body bag.

Zac: Jayda get the fuck on and never come back here. 

Jayda: So you gonna stand here like you somebody now that you got money, and this house. Nigga you still ain't shit.

Fatima: Baby I got this.

Zac Stepped back.

Fatima: First of all bitch, I be damn if I stand here and let you talk crazy to my husband and I not say something. What the fuck you want with him?

Jayda: Not you, I'm here to talk to my brother.

Zac: Oh I'm your brother now huh. What happened to that energy you had a couple years ago? Ima need you to keep that same energy. First mama, now you? What's next, Jay gonna pop up?

Jayde: So you let this bitch disrespect your own mother.

Fatima: Ohh Is that's why you here?

Zac: Hold up baby. Because First of all watch your fucking mouth when you speaking about my wife. And second, don't come here with that mother shit because she was never that. Thirdly don't stand here and act like you the shit because you not. You be out fucking everything in the city just to get by. So if you came here for something, you might as well turn around and go the opposite way because I ain't got shit for none of y'all asses.

Jayde: You a fucking clown with your bitch ass. I see why Karen left your sorry ass. Because you're worthless and will never amount to anything.

Fatima: The only fucking clown ass bitch I see is you. You see this man right here, he's worth more then you could ever afford and anything you have to offer. And Karen didn't leave him, he left Karen. So girl if you love your life I advised you to get the fuck on somewhere and find something safe to do. And never come back here or you really going to be leaving in a body bag. NOW LEAVE!!

Jayde: Fu-

Before she could get the fuck out her mouth, Fatima punched her ass so hard, she hit the ground and Fatima started whopping her ass.

Fatima: I'm getting sick and tired of y'all low life having asses disrespecting my husband and our house. Tracy tried the shit but out of respect, I let her ass make it. But you on the other hand, I be damn. Now if you don't get the fuck off our steps with that bullshit, I know something. I got some lead just for your ass, think it's a game try me bitch and I'll show you.

Jayda: This ain't over.

Fatima: Bitch bye.

Jayda gets into her car a drove off.

Fatima: Baby look at me, I got you always. And I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. ( hugs him )

Zac: I'm just tired baby.

Fatima: I know you are baby. But are you okay?

Zac: I am, and thank you baby.

Fatima: Baby you're my husband and I got you forever. I told you that I'm ready to got to war up against any and everybody when it comes to you.

Zac: I love you.

Fatima: I love you too.

Zac: Now let's tend to our daughter.

They went into the house and tended to Ava.

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