Chapter 20

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Kota aimed his hands at the tree in front of him, pushing as a gush of water shot out of his hands, only falling short of hitting the tree. He then gritted his teeth before pushing even harder, trying to force out the water even more with little to no avail.

Izuku: "You're using your quirk wrong." he said, his upside down face appearing in front of Kota's.

Kota: "AHH!" he yelled, jumping back and nearly splashing Izuku with water, "Tch, you scared me you bastard!"

Izuku: "Heh, sorry." he said, turning up right and falling on his feet, "Though I am right, you're using your quirk wrong."

Kota: "How else am I supposed to use it." he grumbled.

Izuku: "Well first of all." he said, putting up a finger in the air, Kota gaining a small look of fear as he realized Izuku was going to go on another rant, "You can't take everything at face value, especially anything like advise and a quirk even more so." he explained, "You could think your quirk could be one thing, but it ends up being something else." he said, grabbing Kota's hand, "Look here," he said, pointing to Kota's hand, "Your entire hand is wet, not just a single point or an opening in your hand, why do you think that?" he asked.

Kota then sighed as he tried sorting his mind through Izuku's rambling.

Kota: "Um, my quirk comes from my palm?" he asked.

Izuku: "Close." he said, ", but not quite. See, your quirk is more like your bringing water from the air and congregating it to a point, like an infinite water gun as long as the air is moist or humid." he explained as he let go of Kota's hand.

Kota: "So how am I supposed to use my quirk?" he asked

Izuku: "Imagine collecting the water around your hand and forcing it outward to the tree." he said, moving next to Kota.

Kota then sighed, pointing his hand to the treen and closing his eyes as he focused, imagining water forming around his hand, feeling the cold liquid cover his hand.

Izuku: "Good, now push it toward the tree, as hard as you can." he said.

Kota the thought of the water from his hand shooting out, much like the attacks his parents would use keeping focus until he heard the sound of water hitting the tree in front of him. His eye's then shot open as he was a beam of water coming from his hand and smacking against the tree in front of him. As his concentration faltered, so did the water attack, it falling to the ground.

Kota: "I-I did it!" he said excitedly, with a large smile on his face, "I actually did it!"

Izuku: "Good job Kota." he said, patting him on the head, Kota gaining a blush of embarrassment.

Kota: "G-Get off!" he yelled, pushing Izuku's hand away.

Izuku: "What, I'm just letting you know that you did an amazing job," he said looking at the tree, seeing the bark blown off it where Kota launched his attack, "A really, good job."

. . .

Izuku and Kota sat on the cliff that over looked the forest, watching as the sun began setting.

Izuku: "You know your goanna have to go back soon, right?" he said, looking down at Kota as he shot water out into the forest.

Kota: "I know," he said, "She's just so annoying." he seethed.

Izuku: "She's just trying to care for you Kota." he said, patting him on the head, "She worries about you, a lot, she just wants to make sure you're not getting involved in anything dangerous."

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