Chapter 50

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Izuku sat in on of the booths, looking around a bit as he felt the awkwardness of the situation he was in. 

His mother was across from him, wearing an expression that varied between surprise, disappointment, shock, and even fear, but that wasn't the worst of it. 

Aizawa, Oboro, and Touya sat at the bar, obviously enjoying Izuku's torment a little to much as they bonded over alcohol and basically waited for what ever excuse Izuku was going to give for his nightly outings and apparently multiple female lovers. 

Toga, sat to his  right, wearing the same cheery expression she wore when she first met Izuku's mother, wanting to make a good impression on her so their relationship could deepen. And Nagant sat to his left, wearing an uneasy and nervous expression as she looked at a woman who was only a few years older than her, wondering what was going through her mind as she looked around frantically to take some pressure off the situation and finding nothing. 

Shigaraki, surprisingly, was the only one with a little bit of decency to at least look away from the situation, still keeping an ear out though since he was also wondering what Izuku was going to say. And Sako was up stairs, taking care of Eri as he tried his best to entertain for a bit until Izuku handled the situation with his mother and was able to talk to her.

Izuku then took a small breath before looking at his mother. 

Izuku: "Well, I'm sure that you have.. a lot of questions." he said, " B-But I promise you that I have an explanation."

Inko then took a breath. 

Inko: "Izuku," she said, " Can you please.. tell me first about where we are right now?" she asked, " Though I don't mean to be rude, this place seems a little.. sinister." 

Aizawa then let out a small chuckle.

Aizawa: "Oh this is going to be good." he said before he took a sip from his glass. 

Izuku: " Were at an undisclosed location," he said, "It's the home base for a group know as the.. L-League of Villains." 

Inko then gained a small look of horror before Izuku waved his hands dismissively. 

Izuku: "B-But don't worry!" he said, "They're working.. under cover, I guess you could say. They're working for me, to deceive a bigger villain that is planning something big."

Inko then paused for a moment. 

Inko: "Is this what you've been doing all this time?" she asked, "Was you being a vigilante just something to cover up what you were really doing?"

Aizawa: "Vigilante?" he said, confused. 

Izuku: "Oh yeah, about that," he said, "Sorry Mr. Aizawa, I am a vigilante in my past time. I think you know about me a little bit, my case file is pretty small from the last time I saw it." 

Aizawa: "You broke into the precinct?" he asked. 

Izuku: " No, I just came in to drop someone off and caught a glimpse of it before I left." he said. 

Inko: "Um," she said before she turned to Aizawa, "Is he also a part of.. the league of villains?" she asked. 

Aizawa: "No, I'm not." he said, "But at this point I'm wondering if I'm some sort of honorary member or something like that." he groaned. 

Oboro: " I don't see why not." he said, "I think he would make a pretty good addition to our little family.

Touya: "I'm not calling you Dad," he said before he took a swig of his beer.

Aizawa: "Not asking you to." he said before he took a sip of his drink.

Izuku: " Mr. Aizawa's here because I needed him to talk with Oboro, the bartender." he said, pointing at the nomu in question, "Oboro had some memory issues, and Mr. Aizawa is an old friend he had from when he was younger, him staying here is kind of an additional thing."

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