Chapter 17

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Izuku laid in his bed as he tried getting a wink of sleep, quickly become overwhelmed by a wave of fear as he felt himself begin slipping into sleep for a moment.

Izuku: "Damn it." he said with a sigh before he sat up.

Nana: "Again?" she asked, her form appearing.

Izuku: "Yeah, again." he said as he stood up, then stretching.

Nana: "Do you want to go to the mindscape again, it could help." she offered.

Izuku: "No, doing that would just be pushing off the situation. I should probably ask Mrs. Narumi for a prescription." he thought aloud.

Nana: "Maybe it's for the best." she said, "Seeing you like this isn't very..." she trailed off.

Izuku: "I get it," he said with a yawn as he walked out of his room, going into the kitchen, and seeing his mother sitting at the dining room table, drinking a cup of coffee as she looked down at the table, bags under her eyes.

Izuku then sighed before he walked around the table, hugging his mother, surprising her some as she jumped.

Izuku: "Please, go to sleep." he nearly begged.

Inko: "O... Okay," she said with a sigh before she got up from her seat.

Izuku: "I'll put away the cup, just get to bed." he said, Inko nodding before she walked off.

Inko: "Y-You too." she said, looking back at Izuku.

Izuku: "...I'll try." he said as he dumped Inko's coffee into the sink.

- Written Exam Day 3

Aizawa: "Pencils down, everyone." he said, "The last person in each row, collect the answer sheets and bring them up here."

Mina: "Thanks Yao-Momo!" she said ecstatically.

Kaminari: "I didn't leave anything blank at least!" he said happily.

Izuku then sighed as a small smile spread across his face, nostalgia filling him with a warm feeling.

- Practical Exam Day

Everyone stood at the plaza, wearing their hero costumes as they stood ready for the practical. Aizawa stood in front of a familiar group of heroes, wearing the same tired look he always had.

Aizawa: "Now we will begin the practical exam." he said, "Of course it is possible to fail this. If any of you want to go to the training camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes."

Jiro: "There are a lot of heroes." she muttered.

Aizawa: "I expect that you all have gather information ahead of time, but I'm going to tell you now that it will be harder than what you originally thought." He explained, " I've observed you train with each other and class 1-B, I think you all deserved something a little more on you scale of power and skill." he explained.

Kaminari: "We're fighting robot warriors like in the entrance exam, right?!" he said doing a pose.

Mina: "Fireworks! Curry! Test of Courage!" she joked.

Nezu: "Very close!" he said from inside Aizawa's scarf, "But, for various reasons, the exam will be different starting this time!" he said as he popped out from the scarf.

Izuku: "I wonder what the test will be." he thought aloud.

Nezu: "From now on, we want to focus on person to person combat and her work," he said as he climbed down from Aizawa, sticking the landing, "and stress teaching that is closer to actual fighting. So... we'll form teams of two to fight against one teacher." he explained, "As well as a few robots for some of the situations." he said with a smile.

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