Chapter 34

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Bakugo: "DIIIEEE!!" he yelled as he came down from above, preforming a howitzer impact and crashing into the ground with a large explosion that enveloped All-Might in a cloud of smoke, but before another moment, All-Might swiped his hand to clear the cloud, only to see that the class he was fighting had disappeared.

The pro hero then scanned the area, while he also deeply began thinking about a plan and tactic that would work, before the ground the suddenly began to break up a dust clouds rose up.

All-Might: "Whoa!?" he yelled as he began to stumble.

Bakugo: "Now! Plan Slip Tape!" he yelled before multiple strands of Sero's tape were launched out from the clouds on all sides, connecting to All-Might before the roar of an engine was heard.

Iida - Respiro-Burst

Suddenly, in a moment Iida grabbed the ends of the tape and wrapped it around All-Might, securing his arms to his sides.

Mina - Slippery Battle-Ground

Mina then shot out her hands and covered the ground in not so acidic and slippery acid.

All-Might: "Wha-!!" he yelled as he slipped to the ground.

Mineta: "Did we get him?" he asked as he saw All-Might on the slippery battle ground.

Kaminari: "Don't jinx it!" he yelled before the sound of Sero's tape snapping was heard.

All-Might: "Good effort!" he said as he began getting up to his knees, making sure to keep stable, " But you'll have to-"

Bakugo: "Spark plug! Shock him!" he yelled.

Kaminari: "Got it!" he yelled before he ran and slid on the ground, charging up as he headed straight for All-Might.

Kaminari: Indiscriminate Shock 1.8 million Volts
(If you're thinking/ know it's more... yes, it is- Development!)

A large wave of yellow lightning the erupted from Kaminari as it over took All-Might and delivered an overwhelming shock to the surrounding area. After a few moments passed, someone spoke up.

Mineta: "D-... Did we get him now?" he asked.

Kaminari: "He's gone!" he yelled from the middle of the slippery battle-field.

Mineta: "What!" he said in shock before the sound of something cutting through the air was heard from above.

Everyone then looked up to see All-Might as he was heading down toward them with his fist down toward them.

All-Might - Continental Smash

All-Might: "This is one I created just for you all!" he yelled, "Continental SMAAASH!!!" he screamed as he headed down to them.

Jiro: "Damn it!" she said through gritted teeth.

Mina: "How are we goanna stop that!?!" she yelled, slightly fed up.

Izuku then let out a sigh as he felt O.F.A be pulled up to higher percentages as he tried to gaged out how much he would need to stop All-Might's newest move.

All-Might: "Isn't that something, " he said as he appeared next to Izuku in his ghostly skeletal form, "I probably would've never thought about that if you didn't train them, huh?" he questioned.

Izuku: "Maybe, maybe not, " he said as he crouched, getting ready to jump, "But now I have to stop it before it lands." he said as he breathed out, finally settling on a percentage.

All-Might: "... You know you've already done quite a bit." He said, "Please... Please don't over work yourself like last time... please." he said.

Izuku: "... I'll try." he muttered before he shot off into the air, pulling back his fist as he came careening towards All-Might before their fist collided and caused a staggering shock wave that caused some of the other students to fall.

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