Chapter 22

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= Forest Outskirts - Night

Toga: "Ugh! I don't like this thing. It's not cute at all." she said as she adjusted the mask.

Mustard: " This whole thing was orchestrated by the designer behind the scenes, right?" he said, "Appearances don't matter as long as it makes sense."

Toga: "That's not what I'm talking about." she said, "Oh~ what will Deku think of me when he sees me." she said with a pout that was hidden by her new mask.

Magne: "Hey! Sorry we're late." he said as he held a creepy smile.

Moon-Fish: "Work... Work..." he muttered as he walked behind Magne.

The group then looked over the camp, the seven of them looming over the cliff edge as they waited for everyone. A man wearing a black cloak and a white mask with holes in it was balling his fist as he looked at the camp.

Muscular: "Just let me at them already!" he said as he grinded his teeth together, "I'm getting too pumped!"

Touya: "Shut up you crazy bastard. We'll move when all 10 of us are here." he said as he surveyed the forest, looking at the dorms, "Gathering a bunch of punks who are just strong will only increase the risk." he muttered, "It's better to have a small group of elites. First... we'll make them realize their false peace is resting in our hands."

= Morning =

Izuku stood in front of Kota, wearing a pair of swim trunks as he had his arms up with a thin layer of black whip around them.

Izuku: "Okay, go full power!" he said as Kota pointed his water submerged hands at him.

Kota: "Got it!" he yelled as he forced out a large wave of water at Izuku, the force slamming into him, and even pushing him back a few feet even with his feet digging into the ground with the help of a bit of O.F.A.

After a few moments, the water attack calmed down and soon stopped.

Kota: "How... How was that?" he asked as he panted, hunched over some.

Izuku: "That was amazing!" he said as he looked at Kota with a look of pride and admiration, "You water quirk is so amazing! Though your quirk seems to mainly be able to propel water, you also have a level of control over it as well. We should start focusing on that part too, so you don't become unbalance in the future, it's also very good to be versatile in-"

Kota: "Stop! Stop!" he yelled, "Your mumbling is annoying!" he yelled, slightly agitated.

Izuku: "O-Oh, sorry." he said as he rubbed the back of his head, "I'm a bit of a quirk nerd sometimes."

Tiger: "Midoriya!" he yelled from another side of the mountain, "Get back over here, your rest time is up!"

Izuku then sighed.

Izuku: "I'll be back later." he said before he ran over to where Tiger was, being sure to change on the way with a practiced quickness. (BTW anyone seen Sky High?)

As Izuku rounded the mountain, he caught a small glimpse at the Test of Courage supplies the teachers were moving.

Izuku: 'They should be moving tonight.' he thought, 'Everyone should be fine tonight, though I have no idea what the League of Villains are going to do, they should be able to more than just hold their own.'

Tiger then threw a punch at the back of Izuku's head, which he quickly dodged and retaliated with a round house kick that Tiger just barely jumped back from.

Tiger: "Stay on your toes." he said as he put up his hands in his cat like fighting style, "You've been taking a lot of breaks lately, I understand that you need rest, but you still need to strain your muscles so they can grow."

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