Chapter 46

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The ground above the Yakuza base seemed to crack open almost at random, cement and cocreate shooting up and damaging the base even more, as well as other buildings, making the area hazardous.

Aizawa: "Has everyone been evacuated?" he asked, looking one of the police commanders. 

Commander: "Yes Eraser." he said, "Everyone in a hundred meter radius and then some have been evacuated." he said before he let out a sigh, "Though to be honest, I thought this would be going a lot differently."

Aizawa: "What do you mean?" he asked. 

Commander: "Well, I figured that we would be able to catch them on something, and do this more traditionally but.. this is something that I've never seen before." he said as he looked at the numerous medical tents that were set up.

Aizawa: "I understand," he said, "The sight that was left was.. something." he muttered, "They're lucky that they're all alive, I've never seen a blood bath like this." he said before another tremor from the fight below caused them to stumble some, "And it seems like they're not done just yet, who ever they are."

The rumbling in the ground then began to intensify for a moment, the ground shaking vigorously, even causing some parts of the the surrounding buildings to collapse. Ochaco then let out a small squeak as she stumbled to the ground before the shaking returned to a less violent rumble. 

Nejire: "Are you okay Uraraka?" she asked, lending out a hand. 

Ochaco: "Yeah, thanks." she said, taking Nejire's hand as she was helped up.

Ryuku: "Be careful." she said, "We don't know what's going on exactly, but we know that who ever caused this is very dangerous, we need to remain cautious."

 Ochaco: "Yes Miss Ryuku." she said. 

Just then, the ground began to tremble again, shaking even more before the ground broke up, the cracking being centered more around the courtyard of the yakuza base. 

Fat-Gum: "Well, it looks like were about to meet this villain." he said, "Are you all ready!" he said, pumping his fist. 

Kirishima: "Yeah!" he said, pumping his fist in the air. 

Amajiki then let out a sigh. 

Amajiki: "How are you so energetic this late?" he asked with a slight groan.

Night-Eye fixed his glasses with his index finger before he looked to Mirio. 

Night-Eye: "Have you contacted Midoriya?" he asked. 

Mirio: "Yes sir," he said, "But he says he wont be able to make it tonight, his mother was attacked by the Yakuza and apparently it's the same situation here as it is there." 

Night-Eye: "That's.. odd." he said, "Why would the Yakuza be after his mother?" he questioned, "And does that mean that this all started from that home?" 

Mirio: "I don't know," he said, "But Midoriya wants to comfort his mother, from what I can tell from the text, the scene was rather.. traumatizing, for her."

Night-Eye: "Hmm, I see." he said, "Though I can understand the situation, I'll still give him a small scolding on his priorities." he said, " Though I can see how being there for your family is important, you still need to know when you need to come to an emergency call." he said as he fixed his glasses, "It would be best if he didn't make it a habit."

Mirio: "Oh, he just sent another text." he said, looking down at the phone, "He says that he's sorry for the inconvenience." 

Night-Eye: "Though the apology is accepted, I'll still be scolding him." he said. 

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