Chapter 7

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Izuku walked into the bar, yawning some as he entered. Then seeing Kurogiri as he cleaned a glass.

Izuku: "How are you, Kurogiri?" he asked.

Oboro: "You know my name Mr. Deku." he said in a calm tone before he looked at Izuku, "You did say it before you put these... devices on me. Thank you, by the way." he said, most likely smiling.

Izuku: "Good to see they work." he said as he sat at the bar, " How's Shigaraki doing?" he asked.

Oboro: "He's doing well." he said as he began making a drink for Izuku, " Well. he's been thinking a lot." he said as he poured fruit juice into a shaker, "He always seems to have questions, but doesn't ask them for whatever reason. Though he does seem less... childish." he said as he put Izuku drink in front of him.

Izuku: "That's good," he said picking up the drink and looking at it, " Though I figure you want to help Shigaraki as well, considering your caring nature I've been told so much about." he said before he took a sip, "This is good."

Oboro: "Wait, who told you that?" he asked, his eyes mimicking a desperate look.

Izuku: "Shoto Aizawa." he said clearly.

Oboro: "...Sho... to..." he muttered as his memory was jogged, "Yes, that name does ring a bell." he said.

Izuku: "Well, before you think further on that." he said, "I think you should listen to what I have to say first. See, if I know Shigaraki as much as I do, he's going to attack the U.S.J with information he gets through an informant that goes to U.A." he explained, "He's going to need you to help him, and I want you too." he said.

Oboro: "What?" he asked, shocked, " I'm not going to attack kids, what if one of them-" he started.

Izuku: "They won't die." he said, cutting off Oboro, "I won't need to make sure of that, the nomu is something that I'll be able to take care of, even if I needed to take care of it." he said, "It's okay to place some trust into those kids, they're a lot stronger than they seem. That and Aizawa is their teacher."

Oboro: "Aizawa became a teacher?" he asked.

Izuku: "Yep, he's also a pro hero, though he's an underground hero so he usually works at night." he said.

Oboro: "Hmm, I doubt he's getting any sleep." he muttered, causing Izuku to chuckle.

Izuku: "You really are extremely caring." Izuku said as he got up before putting a piece of paper on the table, "This is my phone number." he said, "Give it to Shigaraki, and while you're at it you might as well have it as well." he said as he walked out the bar, "See you later Oboro." he said with a wave.

. . .

Izuku looked at the crowd of reporters as they asked the students that went in whatever questions, they could about All-Might.

Izuku: "I'm too tired for this." he said with a sigh as he went over to the wall and jumped over it, landing on the other side with a thud, "Aizawa will take care of them later... and then the stupid stamped of students." He said with a yawn, "Hopefully Kendo will be able to talk with her classmates about training with us, starting the friendly rivalry early will defiantly accelerate everyone's growth. Now to get to Class 1-B."

. . .

Izuku yawned as he went to class 1-B. He disguised this with Kendo, about meeting class 1-B and seeing if they would like to train with class 1-A soon. He had only hoped that their teacher hadn't drilled the rivalry thing in too deep just yet.

Izuku saw Kendo standing outside the door of class 1-B before she noticed him.

Kendo: "Hey Midoriya, I was worried you were going to be late." she said, giving a relieved sigh.

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