Chapter 65

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Izuku quickly shot up as his quirk activated, red marks spreading along his body as green lightning sparked off wildly. He then pulled back his fist before throwing it forward. As the attack was in motion, he felt his quirk's strength dull. The dip was so distinct that he was able to come to his senses and saw what he was about to do. Izuku then redirected his fist to the nearest window and diluted the power as much as he could. Sadly, his power was still too much and he ended up blowing the wall off of the school building. 

Izuku: "Ah.. Uh.." he stammered, "S-Sorry." he said turning to a shocked Aizawa, Recovery Girl, and All-Might. 

All-Might: "Uh.. Um..." he stammered, " It's.. quite alright y-young Midoriya." he said, "I'm sure that Principle Nezu can... fix this.. somehow." 

Aizawa then let out a relived sigh. 

Aizawa: "I almost had a damn heart attack," he grumbled before moving his hand to his chest, checking his heart rate.

Recovery Girl: "I'm more surprised by the fact you were able to redirect that attack." she said, shock still on her face, "Though you still blew a hole in my clinic." she grumbled.

All-Might then cleared his throat, trying to ignore the grievous damage to the school.

All-Might: "Ahem, young Midoriya, could you please come with us?" he asked, "Principle Nezu has a few questions he would like to ask you."

Izuku's chest then tightened for a moment before he glanced over to Aizawa who shook his head, causing him to let out a breath of relief. 

Izuku: "Okay," he said with a smile on his face.

Soon, after another scolding from Recovery Girl, Izuku was in the principle's office again. 

Nezu: "Midoriya!" he said, happily, "Welcome, have a seat." he said motioning to the couch.

The group then sat on the couches, Izuku taking care to not aggravate his wounds. 

Nezu: " I have to apologize for giving you such a test." he said, "In truth, I wanted to push you to your limits to see the extent of your quirk, though I didn't expect you to manifest another quirk, or for your hair to change color," he muttered, "But none the less, I am sorry for putting you through such physical trauma, I swear on my placement as the principle of this school I will not make you face off against Endeavor again."

Izuku: "Does that mean well do something like this again?" he asked. 

Nezu: "No," he said, "The environment will be much more controlled, and you'll be given a plethora of information about the testing." 

Izuku: "So your going to be doing more testing?" he asked. 

Nezu: "Only so we can get a better gist of your quirk." he said, " I was never one to conduct experiments, I'm still not, but I think it would be in both your and everyone else's interests for you to have more control and a better understanding of your quirk."

Izuku then let out a sigh.

Izuku: " I understand," he said, " I doubt you would've gotten the same results if you had told me about this before hand, though that still doesn't make it morally correct."

Nezu: "I know that," he said, "All I'm asking of you is that you allow us to continue testing your quirk, in safe and controlled ways, so we can have a better understanding and knowledge of how to improve upon your quirk." 

Izuku then took a moment to think. He did trust Nezu, through and through as the one that had taken care of and even educated his 'children' but his current predicament was something that he couldn't even grasp himself. Though Nezu could defiantly help him, one way or another, he's extremely smart and would likely find out that he's hiding something simply from the way he fights or something like that... but the risk might be worth it if he could learn more about the quirk he received from All for One in the process.. his bastard father's quirk, if he had it, which he likely did if the fire breath was some sort of trigger for it.

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