Chapter 27

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Izuku sighed as he sat in his room, Mei was a little overwhelmed when he told her about his... love interest, so she was taking a bit of time to herself... which lasted only a few moments before she said she was fine with it as long as she was able to meet the others at the very least.

Though it was a rollercoaster of emotions for Izuku, and he needed sometime to calm down before organizing any sort of meeting between the girls... Especially because it was the day that All-Might and Aizawa were supposed to be visiting and talking about the dorms. He doubted that that possibility would change, mainly because Nezu had been planning on it for a while, and they had saved Bakugo in secret without anyone else knowledge.

Soon a muffled knock was heard from the door, and Izuku gave another sigh to steel himself for what could happen from this conversation.

. . .

= Home

Izuku sat in his chair as he sat across from Aizawa and All-Might, his mother sitting next to him with a frail posture.

All-Might: "Um, I believe we have already sent notice of this, but we're here to talk about U. A's dorm system." he said, acting a little cautious about his words, seeing Inko's visible nervousness.

Inko: "Y-Yes," she said, " A-About th-that." she stuttered, glancing back and forth from Izuku and the table.

Both Aizawa and All-Might looked at Inko with a curious gaze, before glancing at Izuku who seemed to have a slightly unsettled expression.

Izuku: "Mom," he said, causing Inko to flinch some, "It's okay, nothing bad will happen, if you say yes or even no." he said in a calming tone, "I'll be sure to visit whenever I can, you may even be able to see me more if you want."

Inko: "...R-Really?" she asked.

Izuku: "Yes," he said, "but even if I stay here, I'll still be able to see you the same amount if I were to go to the dorms, I'll make sure of it." he assured her.

Inko looked at Izuku with a varying expression of worry that caused Aizawa and All-Might to wonder about the state of the family from where they couldn't see.

Aizawa then cleared his throat.

Aizawa: "Mrs. Midoriya." he said, "I understand how you may feel about the dorm, especially regarding the recent attack on the students." he said, "But I promise you that we'll be able to protect him with our lives if necessary."

Inko: "Th... That's not what I'm concerned about." she said as she glanced at Izuku, I... I know my son can protect himself... I just worry... a lot." she said, "a-and I feel like sometimes I can't show him the love that I know he deserves..."

Izuku: "Mom-" he tried to say as he saw Inko begin to cry.

Inko: "A-and I don't feel like I'm a good mother... a-after everything I still can't help him... in even the slightest way."

Izuku's expression then became very concerned, yet he felt as if something like this would've happened regardless of the situation.

Izuku: "I'm sorry but, could you two please leave?" he asked.

Inko: "W-Wait!" she said.

Izuku: "No Mom," he said, causing Inko to shrink back some, "We can continue this later, I'm sure we can reschedule this for later, right?" he asked.

Aizawa: "Yes," he said, "You can email us the details if you wish to." he said as he stood up.

All-Might: " We hope to talk with you again." he said as he stood up as well, "I hope you two have a lovely day." he said before he and Aizawa left.

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