Chapter 56

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Ippan took a deep breath as she walked in the sketchy part of the city. She had heard many stories of villains making this place their home/hideout, but if a hero had invited her out here.. it couldn't be that bad.. right?

As Ippan walked down the alley that she was directed to go down, she glanced around, and noticed the trashcans, instead of being overflowing with trash and rotten food that stung her nose, were actually cleaned out. Some of them strangle had a lavender sent to them, like the trash bags you could get for a little extra at the store. 

Soon, she was at the back door of the place the hero had told her to go. So far things seemed more or less sketchy, but considering the fact that she was beginning to run out of options and this as far as she knew this was a job that paid well, and even had traveling opportunities. It was defiantly not getting any better than this.

Ippan then took a deep breath before she pushed open the door, getting hit with the distinct smell of alcohol. Looking around, she realized that she was now at a bar. It was a drastic change to the surroundings, but it was a welcome one. She then walked into the bar, looking around and seeing that it had a very sleek look, along with nice lighting that's easy on the eyes. 

The bartender then turned to her, looking at Ippan with a calm glance as he put down the glass he was cleaning. He seemed very mature and had a glow to his eyes that had only seen in some people's quirks.

Oboro: "I assume your Miss Ippan, correct?" he asked.

Ippan then gave a slight nod, still a little cautious and nervous. 

Oboro: "Well, it's nice to meet you." he said, "I will get Mr. Deku, please wait just a moment." he said as he pulled out his phone and began texting who she figured was this Mr. Deku, "You may have a seat at one of the booths." he said, gesturing to them.

Ippan then went over and sat in the slightly cramped booth, mainly due to the fear of making a bad impression with the man who was getting her potential boss. 

Suddenly, a purple portal opened in the middle of the room. It was slightly ominous in the way it exuded a purple mist that reminded her of the bartended before she saw a familiar green haired teen walk through the portal. Though instead of his hero costume, he was wearing a black suit without the coat. 

Izuku: "Ha~." he sighed, seeming a little annoyed, " I don't know why I have to where this for a job interview." he said. 

Oboro: " A professional look in a professional setting is only common sense." he said as he picked back up the glass he was cleaning. 

Izuku: "Yeah, yeah," he said as he turned to Ippan, "It's nice to see you again." 

Ippan: "O-Oh y-yes um-." she stammered as she tried getting up from the table, her legs hitting it before she regained her balance and stood up straight, "Y-Yes i-it's nice t-to see you.. again." she said, mentally kicking herself at her stupid nervousness. 

Izuku: "You don't have to be nervous." he said, "You basically have the job already, we just need to talk about the formal stuff, like pay and work hours."

Ippan: "O-Oh.. Okay then" she said, calming down some. 

Izuku: "So, first things first I think we should talk about work hours." he said, "You're going to have to work from Monday to Friday, hours from 12am to around 9pm." he explained, " Though for a majority of your work week it's likely you'll stay home, but we'll still pay you for those days." 

Ippan then nodded her head, the job sounded too good to be true, but if it was then she would defiantly jump at the chance. 

Izuku: "Next, this place is a trove of contacts from all over." he said, "You'll be provided with a phone, you can call it a work phone, but it's more like a friend/emergency phone kind of thing. We're all friends here, some of us even family." 

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