Chapter 19

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Izuku and Bakugo watched as the cloud of pink slowly over took them.

Izuku: "Bakugo, here" he said throwing over a duplicate of his mask.

Bakugo: "Thanks nerd." he said, putting it on his mouth, the mask securing its self around his head.

Izuku: "The mask isn't that strong, so don't breathe into much." He warned before the cloud of pick over took the two of them.

= Observation Room =

Ochaco: "Are they going to be, okay?" she thought aloud.

Mina: "Oh come on girl!" she said, waving her hand dismissively, "Midoriya and Bakugo are the strongest in our class along with Todoroki, I'm sure Bakugo and your boyfriend are fine." she said with a mischievous smile.

Ochaco: "Wh-What!?" she said with squeak of embarrassment.

Aoyama: "Well it is a little obvious, mademoiselle." he said in his usual flamboyant tone, "You do fawn over each other every now and then." he said.

Ochaco: "No we don't!!" she retorted.

Recovery Girl: "Heh, could've fooled me." she said, "During the first few test you two brats were flirting in here like crazy." she said.

Mina: "Ooo~" she cooed," I didn't know you two were so intimate." she teased.

Ochaco: "N-No we aren't!" she yelled, a blush turning her face red.

= Practical Exam Location =

All-Might looked over the pink cloud from a tall building, listening as the sounds of explosions and crushing metal soon died down.

All-Might: "Hmm," he hummed, "Seems like they're finally out for the count." he said before he jumped off the building, landing at the end of the pink cloud. "Now let's get this over with." he said, bringing his arms up and giving an all mighty clap, forcing wind to clear the pink fog, "Now you two. let's... hmm?" he said as he saw the lack of students before him among the corpses of the fogger bots, "Now that's strange," he said, putting his hand on his chin, " I could've sworn,"

(Btw Look up fogger, I think it'll help with the imagination of the fogger bot.)

Izuku: "Over here!" he yelled from down the street, pulling the pin to the gauntlet and letting out a focused blast that careen straight toward All-Might.

The hero then jumped out of the way of the attack, the heat nearly singeing his blonde hair. He then saw an orange light brighten the ground before looking up into the sky.

Bakugo - Howitzer Impact

Bakugo: "DIIIIIIIIEE" he yelled, causing All-Might to look up at the cone of fire heading toward him.

All-Might: "Hmph, Valiant effort Young Bakugo!" he yelled as he pulled back his fist, "But you're going to have to--Huh!?!" he yelled shocked when his arms were suddenly pulled behind him, Izuku using some of One for All to hold back the number one hero.

Izuku: "Keep your eyes on your opponent, please!" he yelled, smiling with his eyes.

All-Might: "H-Hey! That's my line!" he said as he struggled against Izuku.

Bakugo then slammed into All-Might, a giant explosion then erupting and encasing the three in the blast.

= Observation Room =

Ochaco looked at the screen, a shocked look on her face that was similar to everyone else's.

Mina: "M-Maybe I jinked them," she said, rubbing the back of her head.

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