Chapter 57

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Oboro then looked in the direction of the new comer's voice. It was him. The Hawks character that Izuku had told him about. A hero that was sent here by the Hero's Association for whatever reason they were currently seeing fit.

Everyone was in position, Toga, Dabi, and Sako were sitting in the booths and Shimura was sitting at the bar, drinking something in a beer bottle that was non-alcoholic so he would be able to keep his head clear during the conversation. Izuku had put a lot on them, and they weren't going to mess this up. 

P.O.V Change: Hawks

Hawks the took a seat next to Shigaraki, looking around and noticing the air of the bar. It was hostile almost, but he had expected that much since this place wasn't an actual bar. 

The bartender then walked over before looking at him with a cold, but subtle glare. 

Oboro: "What would you like?" he said in a low tone.

Hawks: " A beer, something simple." he said, making a bit of a show to look annoyed and fed up. 

Oboro then reached under the counter before taking out an unlabeled bottle of beer, popping it open and giving it to Hawks. The hero then drank the beer, downing it some before he placed it back on the counter. He made sure to not get too drunk, though he could've just taken a pill to starve off the effects of the alcohol, but the effects it had would've made it more believable. 

Shigaraki then took a small breath before he commenced the plan, taking a long drink from his false-beer before he gave Hawks a side eye. 

Shigaraki: "Hey, aren't you a hero." he said, trying to sound a little drunk, "Don't you know that this place is crawling with villains?"

Hawks then scoffed. 

Hawks: " Nothing I can't handle," he said, giving a cocky expression, " I'm a pretty talented hero, so I'm not very afraid of anything." 

Shigaraki: "Is that so.." he said, turning in his seat before leaning back on the counter, " Just how talented of a hero are you?" he asked. 

Hawks: " I'd say that I could take out just about anyone if I wanted to," he said, causing a sum of the people in the bar to flinch some at his boasting, like they didn't believe him for a moment, but he decided to not focus to much on it, "But if I were to be honest, this hero stuff is becoming a pain in the ass," he groaned, " It might be my quirk talking, but this hero stuff is extremely restricting. I got to get up bright and early to make my routes, entertain the public, and even keep my rank up so that I can get better pay.. it's a stupid cycle." 

Oboro was surprised, it sounded like this Hawks guy was genuinely thinking the hero life wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Though he knew better to not trust Izuku, he had done more than enough to ear the trust of everyone here ten times over. They all had a home here, and he was a part of the reason they were there. 

Shigaraki: "Sounds like a cycle that should be broken." he said, an ominous smile coming to his face, "Isn't the Hero Association such a leech?" he asked, starting to use the hard hitting questions like Izuku had told him to, " Taking away so much, and barely giving back. They control everything with the heroes that they've manipulated into their grasp. If people could see what a world would be like under another's rule.. don't you think they could see reason." 

The blatant mention of the Hero Association hadn't fazed Hawks, but the mention of them manipulating everything from behind the scenes with other heroes had nearly caused him to spit out his drink. Making it nearly unnoticeable as he turned back to Shigaraki. 

Hawks: "What are you saying?" he asked. 

Shigaraki: "Well, I'm just saying that the hero association could use a little.. dismantling." he said, " Something to show the world their true colors and the secrets that they've been hiding for years under wraps." 

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