Chapter 76

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- Six Months Later -

Ochaco let out a small sigh as she wrapped the bandages around her waste, to caring to wince at the pain as she pressed the bandage and ensured a tight wrap. As the pain subsided she let out a sigh before she began putting back on her hero suit. 

Mina: "Ochaco!" she called out, her footsteps coming closer. 

As the steps came closer, Ochaco scrambled to put on her costume, pulling the skin tight suit over her tightly wrapped bandages quickly before the pink teen entered the changing room. 

Ochaco: "Y-Yes Mina," she said, giving a smile. 

Mina: "It's time for the briefing." she said, "Nezu is talking about our next move." 

Ochaco: "Okay, I'll be there in a moment." she said, relaxing her smile. 

Mina then gave a nod before she left, closing the door to the changing room before Ochaco gave a sigh of relief.  She then finished putting on her hero costume, wincing as the tight fabric pushed against the wounds even more. After a few moments, she was done, and slightly irritated about how her new suit wasn't sent to her yet. 

Ochaco: "Okay," she said, taking a breath, "Let's get to the meeting."

. . .

Nezu let out a sigh as he gathered the papers in his hands, trying to gather his thoughts once again as he forced himself to speak to a bunch of children once again. They wouldn't leave, no matter how much he tried to convince them that this wasn't their battle, no matter how much he tried to reassure them that everything would be fine, they wouldn't leave... though it didn't help that they were helping more than most the adults.

Nezu: " Hello everyone." he said, " Before we begin, I would like to take a moment to inform you all that sadly, the base of operations in sector 5 have been taken over by villains, specifically by a group of  Nomu lead by a new type that seems to have been recently created by All-for-One to better control the Nomu." he explained, "From the information that we've gathered, they are rather different from the others, more of a rushed job, and seems to have less dexterity compared to the other Nomu considering how much damage it had sustained during the heroes retaliation." 

Bakugo the gritted his teeth, grinding them in anger at the news. 

Nezu: " Now, on to other matters" he said, sighing yet again as he spoke like a military commander to a group of children. He hated it.. but they were to far deep to stop now, because if they withdraw they would lose even more.. and they would only be taken away kicking and screaming.

. . .

Ochaco let out a sigh as she left the conference. She was getting tired of the consistent bad news. Nothing was getting better and everything was falling apart just as quickly as it was i the beginning. The sound of stomping came after her, the familiar sounds of anger coming from Bakugo as he once again stormed out, pushing past the others who were in his way as he once again went off to one of the simulation gyms. 

Mina: "He's doing it again," she muttered to the others.

Sero: "It's not like we can stop him," he said, "If anything, I wanna join him, get some of the anger out finally." he said, balling his fist tighter.

Mina: "Don't say that," she grunted turning to the tape hero, "It's not healthy, the only thing he's doing is destroying his body."

Kirishima: "Well.. he might not be wrong." he said, rubbing the back of his head. 

Mina: "Don't even start Kiri." she growled, glaring at the red headed teen, "That's not funny, even as a joke."

Kirishima: "S-Sorry," he said, putting up his hands defensively, his joking smile seeming more like a shallow mask of contemplation as he genuinely thought of following the blonde.

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