Chapter 21

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Izuku: "Left, left, left!!" he yelled as gang of beasts came from the left side.

Mina: "Got it!" she yelled as she used her quirk, melting the feet of the charging earth beast, causing them to fall onto each other in a dogpile.

Bakugo: "DIIIIEEEE!!!!" he yelled as he slung an explosion into the clasped creatures, the pieces flying across the forest.

The entire class quickly traversed the forest with the help of Izuku's leadership and Danger Sense, they were currently on the edge of the forest before they finally broke through the tree line with a unanimous sigh of relief.

Kirishima: "I'm starving!" he yelled.

Kaminari: "Same!" he yelled, agreeing with Kirishima.

Pixi-Bob: "Wow," she said, "Aizawa was right, you guess cleared the forest fast." she said, impressed, "You guys didn't have nearly as much trouble with the beast as much as I thought you would. You all are amazing... Especially you!" she said, pointing to Izuku, " You really are a natural leader huh?" she said as she got a bit closer to Izuku.

Izuku: "Well, I do try my hardest to put everyone on the right path." he said with a smile.

Pixi-Bob: "Oh~ And your humble too. I can't wait to see you in three years." she said in a slightly sultry voice.

Aizawa: "Is she always like this?" he asked Mandalay.

Mandalay: " She's just a little desperate, since she's the suitable age for, ya know..." she said.

Aizawa then sighed.

Aizawa: "Alright everyone, get your stuff off the bus. Once you get your bags to your room, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that you'll bathe and go to sleep. We'll start for real tomorrow. Now, move quickly." he said the class groaning as they followed behind him into the camp's dorm building.

. . .

Izuku leaned back in the bath as the smell of the natural minerals in the water entered his nose.

Izuku: "Don't try it Mineta." he said, no even looking at the purple haired pervert.

Mineta: "Walls..." he said as he grabbed one of his sticky balls.

Sero: "Dude, if Izuku said it would be a bad idea, I don't think that-" he tried to say.

Mineta: "Are meant to be climbed!" he yelled as he began scaling the wall, moving like a spider as he neared the top, only a single ball away before the head of a child poked out from over the top.

Kota: "Maybe before learning to become a hero, you should learn about being human first." he said as he aimed his hand down before letting off a gush of water that knocked Mineta down to the ground with a loud thud, the pervert's body making an indent in the ground.

Tsuyu: "Mineta's really the worst huh?" she said as Kota unconsciously turned to face her before his face was flush with red.

Mina: "Thanks Kota-Kun!" she said, giving him a thumbs up, before he stumbled backwards, falling off the wall into the boy's side.

Izuku: "I got him!" he yelled as he almost instantly grabbed him, hanging off the wall as he held the spooked child in his off hand, "You okay Kota?" he asked.

Kota: "Y-yeah," he said, giving a weak nod.

Izuku then dropped down from the wall, holding on to Kota as he landed on the ground.

Izuku: "I'm goanna take him to Mandalay." he said as he continued to hold Kota, "Make sure he doesn't try anything like that again, please." he said as he walked out of the bath.

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