Chapter 43

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= Three Days Later

Chisaki walked down the Yakuza base hall, holding a clipboard of test results from several of his experiments. Just then Hari came to his side.

Chisaki: "Do you have any information on Midoriya?" he asked as he read through the reports.

Hari: "He is currently in the Shizuoka prefecture, working under Night-Eye for the work study course that was offered by U.A." he said, "Though there have been a few... hiccups in the observation."

Chisaki: "Hiccups?" he asked.

Hari: "It has been reported that it was as if he knew he was being watched at some moments, like times when he looked in the direction of some from the surveillance team, or when he would stare at long periods of time at them." he said.

Chisaki: "Then he probably has some sort of mental disorder that causes hallucinations." he concluded, "He's insane, or as insane as I could figure." he said before he flipped through a few pages of the reports, "He was talking to himself the day I found him, like he was having a full conversation, just write it off." he commanded.

Hari: "Yes sir." he said.

Chisaki: "Anyway, what have you found to have him... accept our offer." he asked, turning to look at Hari.

Hari: "He has a mother by the name of Inko Midoriya." he said, "She seems to live alone after U.A. offered students to live on campus. She's divorced and is currently living in Musutafu."

Chisaki: " Convenient." He said, "Tell one of the low rankers to get her when night falls, and have them do it discreetly, with no casualties this time." he said with a groan.

Hari: "Yes sir, I'll make sure that they know not to mess up." he said with a bow before he turned back.

Chisaki: " Be Thorough." he said.

Hari: "Yes sir." he said as he headed down the hall.

. . .

Inko let out a small yawn as she walked down the street. It was dark out and beginning to get late as she neared her home.

Inko: "I knew I should've just stayed at Mitsuki's." she muttered, "Well, I don't live too far from them, I'm getting close to home anyway." she said before she turned the corner and bumped into someone, "Ah, S-Sorry," she apologized before she looked up at the person who was looking down at her.

It was a large bald man, wearing a black mask as he glanced down at Inko. Inko was then filled with fear as she looked up at the man, slowly backing up before darting past the man, picking up her walking pace.

As Inko walked closer to her home, she noticed that there wasn't just one man with a mask that was following her. There was another shorter man with a black and white mask, a man with blonde hair and a white mask, and a lanky man as well.

Inko then picked up her pace even more, rushing to the steps so fast that she tripped on the first step before she scrambled back up to her feet and ran up the steps as fast as she could. Once she was at her door, she quickly pulled out key and stuck it in the lock, turning it before she slammed the door open and locked it behind herself.

Inko: " I-I n-need to call the police." she muttered, shaking as she pulled out her phone and went to the app before she heard a loud banging at the door.

Thug: "Ma'am, please open the door." the man said before he banged on the door again, even harder.

Inko then ran to the kitchen, clutching onto her phone as she ducked behind the island and tried to silence her breathing before she looked back at her phone. It was on the contacts, showing the small list of people she knew. Mitsuki, Masaru, her boss, a co-worker or two, her god nephew Bakugo, and then Izuku.

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