Chapter 68

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Izuku let out a sigh as he sat on the weird looking couch thing. He didn't really know what it was, nor did he want to waste energy into finding out. 

Mayu: "We've made a lot of progress during this session" she said, "I know that it's hard for you to explain these emotions, and even harder for you to understand these dreams your having, but I assure you that talking about it will lighten the burden on your mind." 

Izuku: "If you say so," he sighed, sitting up, " This still doesn't make any sense to me, but I trust your opinion."

Mayu: "Thank you for placing your trust in me." she said, "This is a safe space, and I want you to see this place as such." 

Izuku then let out a small chuckled.

Izuku: "Your much more professional then you were before." he said. 

Mayu then cleared her throat. 

Mayu: "That was because you were being.. difficult in allowing me to help you." she said, "Not to say that your trauma was something that wasn't important to process, but when usually dealing with a client they don't out right ignore me for the entire session." she explained, pouting some. 

Izuku: "Yeah, sorry about that, it was a little rude." he said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I should've probably made small talk at least." 

Mayu: " You don't have to apologize, some people are more reserved with their problems, it's only natural to be nervous about it." she explained. 

Izuku: "..What's your quirk?" he asked. 

Mayu: "Um.. that was a little out of left field." she said, "But if you want to know it's essentially a memory reading quirk. Don't worry, I only use it with consent of the other party, I would never go against the wants of my clients."

Izuku: "Hmm.. I could tell." he said, "Other wise this probably wouldn't have lasted so long"

Mayu: "Why do say that?" she asked.

Izuku: "Um.. no reason." he said, "Just saying you could've just looked through everything and found some pretty personal stuff." 

Mayu: "Well you don't have to worry about that Midoriya," She said, " I wouldn't use my quirk on my patients, even if they asked." 

Izuku: "Why not?" he asked, "I mean, what if they can't vocalize what they want to say and would rather you look at the problem yourself?"

Mayu: "Well, I've found that that method results in some secrets that people don't want know to come to light, that and I can't really control what I see so.." she trailed off, a embarrassed blush coming to her face. Izuku then let out a small chuckle, causing Mayu to pout some again, "A-Anyway, the session is over, I have another session scheduled today so p-please leave." 

Izuku then let out a small sigh before he remembered something. 

Izuku: "Miss Narumi." he said, "Would you like to out to dinner with me?" he asked, causing the therapist face to turn a bright red.

Mayu: "M-Midoriya I am not allowed to-" she started. 

Izuku: " My mother has been wanting to thank you for helping me so much." he said, "She's even prepared beef stew for the occasion."

Mayu: "O.. Oh." she said before she began salivating, "D-Did you say.. beef stew?"

. . . = L.O.V. Base = . . .

Mayu let out a low hum of satisfaction as she ate the lovingly prepared beef stew. It was savory and the meat fell apart in her mouth, it's been so long since she's had home cooked food. 

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