Chapter 48

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Night-Eye and Mirio then looked at Izuku with immense fear, the secrete of One for All and All for One seemed to be at his finger tips, yet they had barely even the slightest clue who he was. All they knew was that he was powerful, strong enough to take out most of the hero force they had gathered to handle the situation at the Yakuza base. 

Mirio: "Who.. Who are you?" he asked, his glare somehow becoming even more cautious.

Izuku: "I'm.. just a person doing what he can from behind the scenes." he said, rubbing the back of his head, " But just know, your suppose to let the quirk go through out your full body, like when you heat something up. You don't just heat half or a part of it, you heat up the whole thing from the inside out." he explained, "That's the easiest way to explain it for your current level, but in the future you'll more than likely be able to do it at a more finite or a higher compacity, for now do it at like 5% or even 2%." 

Both Mirio and Night-Eye still looked at Izuku with caution, not wanting to trust the words that came from his mouth. 

Izuku the let out a sigh. 

Izuku: "I doubted that you would listen to me," he said, stretching out his shoulder, "This was really hard for me to do you know, emotionally at least." he said, looking at the fallen heroes, " I hated to looks of fear and hate, yet this was the only way that I could make you all understand that you need to be stronger." he said, "But.. I'm tired now, and I want this to end." he said as a green energy began emitting off his body, "I'm sorry that it came to this." 

Suddenly, Mirio saw the vigilante directly in front of him, his finger was pulled back as began the motion to flick him. Strangely Mirio felt an intense sense of Deja-vu as he felt the pressure of the flick. Instantly, his mind when to Izuku and how he bested him in a matter of moments before everything went dark.

Night-Eye clenched his teeth as he gazed around at the unconscious heroes. They were barely bruised or beaten, but that doesn't negate the fact that they were utterly out matched.

Izuku then put the devise back to his neck. 

Izuku: " Again, I apologize for doing this." he said, " But the heroes of today are not strong enough to handle All for One, their minds have been clouded by popularity, fame, and fortune." he explained, "But that doesn't mean they can't be redeemed." he said before he pulled back his fist, " Please, spread the word that All for One has returned, and is making plans to tear down the hero society." he said as Night-Eye's eyes went wide before Izuku slammed his fist in the side of his head, knocking him to the ground out cold.

Izuku then gave a long sigh, turning his head up to the sky as he breathed in the dusty air, the smell of concrete entering his nose. 

Then in an instant, he was gone. Out of sight from Nagant's vision. 

Nagant then let out a sigh as she deactivated her quirk, her arm returning to normal before she turned around, seeing Izuku standing behind her, swaying back and forth. 

Nagant: "Have you come to take me out to?" she asked. 

Izuku then shook his head before he walked forward, allowing himself to flop onto Nagant, catching her by surprise for a moment before she felt the slight trembling coming from him. She then let out a sigh before she wrapped her arms around him. 

Nagant: " I swear," she muttered, "I can't tell whether your overly mature or a child sometimes." she said with a sigh, before she heard the sounds of an approaching helicopter that was heading for the site, "Of course the news would be curious enough to go to an evacuated area." she groaned, "How then hell are we going to get out of this?" 

Izuku then pulled out his burner phone, and sent his location to Oboro, another portal opening up before Kurogiri walked through. 

Oboro: "I assume that you've finished?" he asked, "Oh, hello miss Nagant." he said, giving a small bow.

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