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This world is unforgiving 
But it's the world we live in 
But I believe that somewhere out there 
Lies another world, just for us 

We'd wake up in the morning, just to stay in bed 
With no set plans for the day ahead 
Then we'd sit on the couch after breakfast in bed 
With you on my lap as I caress your head 

We'd spend long hours in each others' arms 
Or get lost in a world as we write our own book 
We'd lay on our back on the grass in a park 
And name fluffy clouds until it's time to cook 

We'd stop by the grocery to buy what we need 
Then decide to eat out instead 
We'd take a long walk, enjoying the night 
Making small talk until we're in bed 

Then we'd wake up from that dream 
Back to this reality 
Where I am here, and you are there: 
Two souls, never meant to be 

We're like two trees, immovable, 
Just swaying in the wind 
We're like two parallel lines 
Simply longing to bend 

No matter what the world may say 
You'll always be here with me 
So no matter how hard it may seem, 
Let's face the music, the insanity. 

We may not be together, but we're never alone; 

For always and forever, you'll be in my heart.    

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now