What Is It?

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Is it holding hands, and not caring if they get sweaty?

Is it locking arms without wondering who is looking?

Is it that warm, fuzzy feeling when you're together?

Is it stealing a kiss without checking left or right?

Is it that comforting feeling whenever you cuddle?

Is it like you found a key to your lock?

Is it truly like you've always known each other, yet you still discover new things?

Is it as simple as finishing each others' sentences?

Is it intertwining fingers, and not wanting to let go?

Is it that lonely feeling when you're by yourself?

Is it walking together, and not looking over your shoulder?

Is it longing to touch, to know, to feel each other?

Is it wanting to know all there is, and still wanting more?

Is it the heat in your cheeks when locking eyes, but not looking away?

Is it more than those three words?

Is it more than words can ever say?

Is it a small gesture shown each day?

Is it a token you give, not knowing if you'll receive?

Is it something you receive, and freely give with no restraint?

Is it waking up in a double bed, and smiling when you look over?

Or is it a tear rolling from your eye, when you realize just how miserable you really are?

Is it in a sigh escaping your lips, when you think of what could have been?

Or is it in a song, dedicated to The One Who Never Was?

Is it in the aching of your heart, when you remember what once was?

Is it talked about, written about, sung about too often to mean anything anymore?

Is it too complicated to ever be explained?

Is it the ring on your finger, and a promise to be together? Forever?

Is it time, is it effort, or a waste of space?

Is it you, or is it me?

It is where it's meant to be?

Is it more than just a feeling?

Is it merely a chemical reaction in the brain?

Or is it a warm embrace after a long and tiring day?

Not me, obsessively thinking about the 'L' word...

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