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You used to be the center of my world
I'd cherish you like the way I'd keep a pearl
I would think about you for hours on end
And dream about you every hour I'd spend

You'd take up my headspace, I'd never complain
I'd smile to myself and think of you again
I'd go far away to places only we knew
Just to spend a little more time with you

My days would have roses
And honey would flow
With a pocket full of posies
I let my fantasies grow

But I forgot that roses have thorns
And posies last for a season
And I forgot that spring has rain
And hearts break for no reason

I indulged myself in thoughts of you
I got lost in my daydreams
I let loose and thoughts ran rampant
Until it burst at the seams

But honestly, I didn't care
Because all I saw were thoughts of you
All I could ever recognise
Were things that made me smile

But now... now you've become a shadow
A memory of times passed
A reminder of the laws of nature
That nothing really does last

I still smile when I think of you
But my cheeks no longer get hot
You're still alive inside my heart,
But you've become... an afterthought

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now