Cliffs and Stars

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I am here watching the rain
With this thing beating in my chest
And with air in my lungs, I'm breathing
So why don't I feel alive?

I have a heart in there somewhere
And both my lungs are pumping air
There is enough blood in my veins,
But I just don't feel alive

I feel the breeze against my skin
I feel the cold's kiss on my cheeks
I hear the song of the wind in my ears,
But I do not feel alive

A flash of light, I hear a clap
My heart shakes like a bird in a trap  Healthy drops water the ground
Why is the sky more alive than I?

I see the sun bowing her head
With a satisfied yawn, she's going to bed
And the moon rises with stars up ahead
Why can't that be me instead?

I sit on a ledge, dangling my feet
I feel the gentle tug of gravity
And I can feel the grass in my hands
If only life was of such simplicity

I stand at the edge in the dark of night
With the air still and silent as the stars
I scream all my pain and discontent
"I hope peace finds you where you are..."

A salty trail leads to hollow pits
Where once were eyes that glowed
All this and yet I feel so cold
Why don't I feel alive?

I make a wish with all my might
I hope it reaches you this night
And carry you to the morning light
With solar glows you'll feel alive

Stand at the edge and think of me
Feel the wind and remember my words
Fill your lungs and hold your breath
And scream that you're alive

You're alive, I'm alive,
Each blade of grass is so alive
So I'll say it with all my might
I'm going to feel alive

I feel cold but I don't care
I'll say it loud as I stand here
Until all my fears disappear
I know I'll feel alive

My voice echoes in the lonely silence
As I sit under a blanket of stars
Legs tucked in and the grass in my hands 
I wish I felt more alive...

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now