The Rebel's Heart

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My heart, it hurts, it really does
I feel so guilty, it feels so wrong
I can't go on, but I can't stop
My heart, it hurts, and I cry along

I sing a small song to ease the pain
I hum a quiet tune to cease the thoughts
But it doesn't work the way I want
Yet it does what is needed

My frustration flows in major Fs
As (A)nger and (D)espair hold it there
Then sadness brings it to minor falls
With a firm undertone of (B)itterness

I'm weary, it's tiring, dealing with people
I just want to be left alone
I don't need any extra weight
On top of my own heavy stone

Living at the mercy of another man
Is not pleasant, no, not in the least
You never know when they'll come to call
But when they do, just obey like a beast

An animal, a slave, subject to his master
With no idea the evils in waiting
Once disobeyed, so meekly he obeys
Because what use is there complaining?

If mother says clean,
You clean the house.
It does not matter what you have to do 
She does not care, just do it

Even if it's time for school,
You won't leave until you're done
You'll be late for your tests?
I don't care, you'll go when you're done

It's things like this that hurt me
It's moments like this that ache
My heart has taken on more than enough
It's amazing that I'm still awake

My tears flow like a river inside,
Cascading downward like a waterfall
I wish they would come out for a change
Because unless I yawn, they don't fall at all

It shows on my face that I'm tired
It shows on my face that it hurts
But I'm trying so hard not to let it show
Because I'm at the mercy of those around me

All I want is to be free,
And if love's a sin, to do the crimes
But at this rate, it's mere fantasy
So fuck this shit, I'm out of rhymes.

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