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Some parts of me
Grow like a bush
But like every bush
In order to look good
Those parts need trimming


I can't forever be
An overgrown hedge.

I feel unfulfilled
Like something isn't completed
But that may very well be
Because of the branches
That grow out of me
That need to be trimmed


I can't afford to be
An overgrown hedge.

I see certain changes
I feel growth in places
They're starting to show
But I can't let them show
So I cut while they're young


I just cannot be
An overgrown hedge.

There are parts of me
That grow out of place
That take on new shapes
And ruin my faces
So I'll cut them off


I don't want to be
An overgrown hedge.

I can change on the inside
But I have face to save
I don't allow myself some things
In order to survive
At least I'm alive


I'm not allowed to be
An overgrown hedge.

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now