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I know I said I'd go back
But is that what's best for me?
If I'm being honest with you,
It doesn't match, does it?

I might say with my mouth
But do something else
As I've often done over the years
Which I'm sure you know

So this time, though it feels wrong,
Could this be the right thing for me?
It's the chance I've been waiting for,
But do I have the courage in me?

I could choose to go back to those days
Or go forward and step into the unknown
I could choose to do the right thing
Or what's right for me and sing my own song

I'm torn, I'm torn, I don't know what to do
Which song to sing, which road to take
I don't know what I should choose
I don't know what choice to make

Should I go back to what I despise
Should I go back to what is right?
Or should I close that chapter of me
And instead should I choose flight?

It's not wrong to start something new
It's not wrong to want to let go
But after everything that's happened so far
Why does it feel so wrong to do so?

My words should match my actions
My actions put into words
I hate how they sound but it is what it is
Take out the whey and you're left with curds

I could want one thing while doing the other
I could feel one thing while showing something else
I never understood it but I think I'm beginning to
It's high time I did what I felt or felt what I did

But the question still remains:
To be, or not to be?

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now