Cheers, Mate

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I wanted to write something
That would take your breath away
I wanted to pen it so beautifully
That it would bring you tears of joy

But each time I sat to write,
Each time I took to thinking
I couldn't find the right thing to say
I could only feel the words sinking

So I gave up completely
And decided not to do it
But deep inside I felt a twinge
A pull I couldn't deny

So I'm here but instead of thinking
I'm trusting the process
Instead of trying to be flamboyant
I'm trying to see what the thought is

I could write words and connect them beautifully
I could write a song that sounded so heavenly
But what would that mean if it was empty?
What good would it be if they meant the same thing?

I could speak of many things
I wanted you to hear
But what good would that be,
If monsters aren't what you fear?

I could see a thousand suns
And sing to many moons
I could count the countless stars
But none of them would be you

I could write a whole lot
And send it on a bird,
But instead, I write this... thing
To tell you a simple word:

Don't worry where you'll be;
Just look how far you've come.
You've made it this far, my dearest friend
And I'm so proud of you.

Dedicated to dyslectic_demigod

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now