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The caves have been filled with silence for too long.

Everyone in Hell has noticed that something has changed – the ever-lasting buzzing in the air that normally fills this desolate, hopeless place, the gurgling of lava and grating of old stone, has become quiet from one day to the other, as if someone pushed a lever or pressed a button. Something else has settled in its stead; a toneless, burdening atmosphere. The non-demonic residents of this place do not know where it is coming from and they do not care much, for they are occupied with their own sins and punishments, but the demons, even the weakest of them, know exactly what causes the suffocating thickness in the air.

It comes from an infamous, black castle in the depths of Hell, occupied by five. The closer you get, the more intense the feeling gets, and if you dared to stand in front of its doors – which no demon does – the waves of thick, negative energy that regularly pulses from this place could easily push you back.
Or kill you. No one has tried, and everyone knows better than to bother the Ayabbi when they are this furious.

"I'll slit her open", Zoczi hisses, restlessly wandering back and forth in front of Vazgan's throne. "I'll slit her open and feed her guts to her parents before I kill them too." Her pinkish eyes light up in malicious glee. "And whoever else of her family remains."

"Zoczi", Thirak interjects, gently. "You have been upset ever since she fled. Come, sit. Have a soul."

The young, human girl that is standing next to him takes an unsure step back, to which he turns to her. "Don't worry, love", he muses, voice now dipping into an even softer, sweet tone. "Nothing will happen to you."

The girl's expression relaxes and she gives him a slight smile, which he returns.

"Spare me your emotional manipulation, Thirak", Zoczi spits, her voice like venom, so displeased by his words that her figure blurs around the edges with barely contained rage. "I am in no mood to play your little games!"

The other demon ignores her. He knows when he has lost a fight.

"I can't say I disagree with Zoczi", Uzoth chimes in, resting his feet on the table he's sitting at even though it earns him a disapproving scowl from Jazkar. "I wouldn't mind a quick visit to the cave."

His white-haired friend now smirks.

"I would like Namjoon, if no one minds", he rasps, moving his fingers testingly. One of his current henchmen, which are standing behind him with their eyes glazed over, sways at the wordless command, even though it was not meant for him. "He could replace all of my past and current toys if I could manage to overtake him."

"If", Uzoth grins, despite the agitated sparkle in his eyes. Jazkar's expression hardens again, the smirk vanishing.

"Mind your words", he merely mutters, which does little to wipe the grin off his red-haired companion's face.

"Stop it. All of you."

Vazgan's voice is overarching, the air trembling with his power as he sits up in his throne. The Ayabbi obey – they know better than to challenge him and the power that could make them feel like useless, weak humans at any time. His presence becomes harder to bear even without him actively subduing them as he sits up, carelessly tossing aside the human whose soul he just took. The body tumbles over his right armrest, limp like a straw doll, rolls down the stairs leading up to his seat and then goes up in violet flames. As it turns to ash, Vazgan's growing influence is making the demons snarl and Uzoth shudders.

"Stop it yourself, Vazgan", he retorts, pulling up his shoulders as if to shield himself from the leader's uncomfortable power. "You know I hate it when you do that."

The pressure slowly vanishes and the demons regain full control of their powers, the terrifying prospect of what Vazgan can do dissolving into nothing but a currently empty threat.

"Rage won't get us anywhere", the leader comments as if nothing happened. "You know that as well as the rest, Zoczi."

The way he speaks her name has the young Ayabbi grit her teeth. "Yes, Vazgan", she then mumbles, despite the rage and dissatisfaction that is still making her eyes glow. She knows when she has lost just as well as the others do.

Vazgan sighs. "I know all of you are itching for revenge", he says, red eyes glowing in the dark. "Trust me, I am the same. But the Sins are not to be underestimated, even in their current, presumably weakened state. So we should be prepared for the worst." His eyes narrow.

"I propose we send a messenger – I am sure they are expecting a declaration of war, and they should have it, along with some chaos to remind them who exactly they have been challenging."

Zoczi chuckles, seeming just as pleased as the other demons. Uzoth grins, Jazkar's eyes glow in fiery satisfaction, and even in Thirak's glance, a glimmer of bloodlust awakens. Vazgan's earlier, inaudible threat seems to have been forgotten.

Vazgan's lips twitch. "It's been decided, then", he says loudly. "Zoczi will go. But", his red eyes meet her pink ones as he speaks, drilling into them to reinforce his order, "you will merely warn them. Is that understood?"

Zoczi replies with a blinding, wide smile, astonishingly beautiful if it wasn't for the hungry, devious look in her eyes.

"Of course, Vazgan", she says, her voice sweet as honey. The sound makes the others smile. Zoczi might be young, but they know all too well what kind of chaos she can cause.

Before the youngest demon can leave, Vazgan lifts his head, gets up and slowly turns towards the left.

"Do you agree, Jimin?", he shouts. He is fully aware the demon can hear him without a problem; it's more of a show, an attempt to discompose him, but he doesn't achieve his goal.

"I do", the unfaithful Sin answers. His slow, soft voice sends shivers down the spines of everyone in the room. The power pulsing around him, amplified by the three succubi that surround him at all times, metallic tails whipping through the air in agitation, is enough to make even the Ayabbi's mouths water.

They realized far too late what power Lust possesses. The only one that can now oppose him, the only one that is immune, is Vazgan.

His presence pushes Jimin's aura back, lifting Lust's heated veil of temptation from the skin of the other Ayabbi. "Stop it", the leader says coldly. "I merely asked. No need to become angry."

Jimin doesn't answer, his lips occupied by the soft kisses of one of the succubi.

Vazgan sighs but turns his back on him. "Go, Zoczi", he says with a wave of his hand, to which the small woman vanishes within a second, and he smiles to himself as he sits back down, patiently folding his hands in his lap.

"I want Yoongi", he says out loud, in the spur of the moment, making the others look up. It's unusual for the strongest among them to utter such words, but instead of shocking them, they fire them up.

Uzoth grins.

"Then have him you shall, friend."

Neither of them notices the mad glimmer flaring in Jimin's eyes at the mention of the name. 

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