Haze I

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Swiftly and effortlessly, Namjoon picks you up and settles you on his hips, his length pressing into your ass cheeks as his lips meet yours, and you sling your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair and softly pulling on it.

He halts for a second, his glance meeting yours, then wandering back down to your lips before he kisses you again.

This time, your tongues meet in a slow, tantalizing dance that makes your insides throb, and you bury your hands deeper in his hair, trying to get as close to him as possible.

Your mind is still foggy, but somewhere deep down, you ask yourself why this doesn't feel uncomfortable. You've never thought of Namjoon this way before, although he is an intimidating, attractive man, yet the urgency with which he touches you almost feels as if he has been waiting for it for a long time – and you have, too.

You bury the thought while Namjoon's lips distract you. He takes a step forward and carries you along the corridor to the next door, which he kicks open. After he's entered the room, he closes it with a movement of his fingers.

For a second, the two of you relish in your closeness, then he tosses you onto his bed. It's big, but simple, and the mattress hard. As you stare up to him, the hunger in his eyes grows. Without breaking eye contact, he raises his hands and rips his shirt open, slipping out of it and carelessly dropping it onto the floor.

Then he slowly makes his way over to you.

His slow pace and the smooth movement of his body makes you even hotter than before. His aura is like Yoongi's, similar to that of a feline predator approaching its prey, but if Yoongi was a panther, Namjoon is a lion.

He's different, and so is the intimidation you feel as his red glance burns on your heated skin while he's coming closer.

Despite Yoongi's intensity, you had never feared he would hurt you. He was soft in just the right moments, and that made you feel somewhat safe.

But in Namjoon's eyes, you see nothing but the desire of a man who has hungered for this way too long, and it both scares and arouses you.

His lips pull into a grin as he places his hands on the bed, leaning onto them and staring at you intently. You can see his abs flex as he does so, the movement of his muscles under his skin, but nothing is more hypnotizing than his eyes and their dangerous glow which tells you that he wants you scared.

It turns him on.

And yet he surprises you when he asks: "How do you want it?"

His voice has always been much lower than Yoongi's, and the rasp in it sends a shiver down your entire body. It sounds as if he has to suppress a growl, as if not touching your skin takes all of his control.

You love the feeling, and Jimin's spell takes over.

It forces your legs apart, and Namjoon's eyelids flutter. He takes a deep breath, as if he can taste you on his tongue already, his pupils narrowing as he stares at your sex.

"However you want", you hum back, opening yourself up to him further.

His glance flickers up to your face for a second, as if he's suspicious of your invitation, but when you don't take it back, your pussy right in front of him, he gives in to the urge in his muscles.

But instead of rushing in like you expected him to, ripping off your clothes and fucking you right then and there in this exact position, he lifts his hands off the mattress and straightens his spine.

When he sees your slight surprise, his smirk returns.

"You expected me to just attack you, huh?" His voice lifts at the end of his question; he's both questioning and teasing you, and your insides throb.

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