Misfortune II

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The snake-like being raises to its full size, almost taller than Heishe's dragon form now, but before you can fully comprehend what you're seeing, the latter's massive body slams down in front of you, his flank towering up before you you like wall of black, protective scales while you try not to fall over.

Don't look at it, the dragon presses in your mind when silence settles around you once more, only broken by the barely audible whistle of the cold Amarrhan wind around you. He sounds so tense your restlessness is now slowly turning into actual worry, churning in your stomach. Under no circumstances should you look it in the eyes. Let me handle this.

His words are accompanied by the thunderous rumble of the ceaseless growl in his throat, making the ground and consequently your legs tremble.

I can help, Daimon says, turning into his animal form next to you, but Heishe immediately lets out a warning hiss.

No, he objects quickly. His head shifts, presumably to mirror the snake's unsettling movements. You can hear the scratch of its thin scales on the ground as it starts moving. Don't risk it. Stay with her.

What's going on?, you ask. Unfortunately, you can still hear your own turmoil in your voice, and you grit your teeth as you try and control the emotions surging within you, their demonic intensity pushing against the borders of your self-control. Heishe, what is that?

The rumble within the dragon's throat intensifies.

A basilisk.

Daimon snarls in agreement, but you're as clueless as before. A basilisk?

As Heishe's neck spikes lift and his massive body moves forward, still shielding you from his opponent's gaze, Daimon takes it upon himself to answer your question. You can see his pupils flickering from side to side, as if his blind glance is trying to find his enemy.

Basilisks are one of hell's monsters, he says. Even in your mind, you can hear the snarl in his voice, and he sounds stressed and disgusted at the same time. It certainly doesn't help to dissolve the uncomfortable knot of emotions in your stomach.

There's doubts about whether they have any true self-awareness, but there's never been any debate about the fact that they're dangerous, to say the least, he continues.

They're unpredictable and ruthless, is what he means, Heishe adds. He sounds distracted, still trying to keep the monster from reaching you. It hisses into his face, a dark, jagged tongue darting from its mouth as it tastes the air.

Don't look!, Daimon hisses, his tone panicked, and you quickly lower your glance.


Basilisks will petrify and kill you with a single glance, Heishe interjects once more. You're too stressed to admire how well-attuned your familiars are now, complimenting each other like the sun does the moon and the other way around – without rivalry or scepsis, just with the incontrovertibleness of a natural phenomenon.

Even demons?

A short pause forms after your question, and you know the answer before you hear it.

Everything apart from dragons, Heishe finally replies. He and the basilisk have stopped moving, simply staring each other down now as they weigh their options. The snake-like being hisses, a deep, crude sound, and this alone sends a shiver down your spine. It's as if even as a demon, your entire being recognizes the danger radiating this monster.


Because they're related, Daimon jumps in again. His blind eyes have finally found his enemy though you're not sure how, staring the huge being down with admirable courage, though he knows he's unable to do anything. Not closely, but related after all. Before dragons, there were many attempts to tame basilisks and use them for whatever purpose was in fashion at the time, but they all failed. So they were left alone. Or so I've heard.

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