The Finding

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To a lazy wave of Jungkook's hand, the shadows that previously stirred in the corners hurry to the middle of the room. Their presence dims the candles on the wall and slows the flickering of the chimney fire until the room is almost completely dark and the ground is coloured an impenetrable black.

The Seven assemble in the middle of the living room, forming a perfect circle. Their eyes are glowing a dangerous red in the darkness as their forms begin to waft and they begin to grow until six horrifying creatures loom up in front of you.

You have seen their demonic forms once before, but that doesn't make them less terrifying, and you hold your breath. You are still not sure if they can really recognize you in these forms, and you'd rather not risk it.

As their final forms manifest, the hunched over, skeletal figure that is Jin spreads its arms and begin to speak. Its unpleasant, scratchy voice sends a shiver down your spine, but you cannot leave now.

Heishe places his large hand on your shoulder, as if to both calm you down and force you to sit still.

Invoco vos
I call upon you
Entia quae fiunt ex umbris
Beings made of shadows
Omnes videntes
Those who see all
In nomine ligaminis super me
In the name of the binding placed upon me
In nomine contractus sequor
In the name of the contract I follow
Obsecro te
I implore you
Ostendete mihi radicem vinculum meorum
Show me the roots of my shackles
Ostendete mihi dominos illos imperitos
Show me those impertinent masters
Ut date mihi libertas et electio mea!
To grant me my freedom and choice!

The foreign words, combined with Jin's ugly, inherently bad tone of voice, make your muscles tremble in your body's attempt to flee from them, but Heishe's grip on your shoulder is unrelenting.

As the last syllables vanish in the air, the black on the ground begins to break up, fractured by silvery, jagged lines that spread across the entire room until they meet the walls. As they do, there's a brief moment of stillness, and then the ground explodes, the volatile movement contradicting the complete silence it's accompanied by.

Your mouth opens slightly and you watch in quiet wonder as the shards reveal a deep darkness reminding you of the night sky underneath, though void of any stars or light. They reassemble in the air, catching whatever little light is left from the candles and fire and reflecting them like hundreds of small mirrors.

The Sins relax a little as the perfect circle they had formed breaks up a little and they look around. The blackness drips from their body and merges into the ground, revealing their human forms, and when they are fully transformed, Heishe's tight grip on your shoulder loosens and he allows you to stand up.

You step in between the shards hanging in the air motionlessly and try looking into them, but all you see is darkness only broken by the tiny orange flickers of the dim light in the room being reflected. The mirrors don't reflect you nor the other beings in the room.

Just when you're about to raise your voice and ask what the meaning of this is, a bright flash in the corner of your eye catches your attention. The other Sins notice as well, and Namjoon lifts a large hand to stop everyone from moving as your glances wander towards the shard that gave off the light.

For a second, you think your eyes must have fooled you, as the floor piece seems just as dark and inconspicuous as before, but then a movement flickers across its mirroring surface.

Blurry at first, a picture materializes onto the shard, showing a young woman with brown hair in a loose braid standing in a small kitchen and preparing some food you can't make out.

All of you watch the shard for a moment when another one lights up. This time, the picture shows an older man standing in a field, leaning onto his hand plough as he watches across the hills surrounding him.

One after another, more pictures appear on the shards, showing people from almost all ages. There's no children among them, which makes you take a quiet breath of relief, but some of them, like the young woman you saw first, are still rather young.

The crushing feeling of what you've committed yourself to doing slowly sinks onto your shoulders and makes your entire body as heavy as lead.

A couple moments later, the flashing slows down and then stops. There are still many shards that are left empty, and when you let your gaze wander over the ones that are filled, you determine it's about 25 people.

Hoseok lets out a sharp breath. "That's more than I expected", he murmurs.

Jin looks at him sharply, then turns back to the front and whispers a couple of unintelligible words.

Entiae quae fiunt ex umbris
Beings made of shadows
Dicite mihi
Tell me
Ubinam latent?
Where are they hidden?

A ripple crosses the pictures on the shards, and when it stills, the pictures show places instead of the people – many of them small houses surrounded by hills and fields, some of them on the roots of the high, jagged mountains you have already seen once or at the edge of deep, dark forests. They all have something in common, however - the stormy, dark sky full of menacing clouds above them. 

"It seems they largely stayed in the area where their ancestors came from", Yoongi comments as he moves forward in between the shards, inspecting all of the ones with pictures on them.

You throw Heishe a glance. "Amarrha?", you then ask aloud, remembering how Daimon told you about this region on your way to hell.

Yoongi turns around to you, eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You know of it?", he asks, to which you shrug. "Daimon told me a thing or two about it", you reply, squinting as you look at one of the huts which is nestled in between two giant black boulders, towered by the sharp-toothed mountain range behind it.

Heishe hums as a reply, stepping forward as well. "I have flown this land many times", he says, frowning as he flicks his finger against one of the shards, eliciting a high-pitched 'pling' from it. "I presume it mustn't have changed much. That land has always been scarcely populated and slow in development."

"Would you be able to remember the places and find them?", Namjoon asks, pulling his eyebrows together. The dragon halts for a moment and returns his glance. "Of course", he says, seeming almost offended that the Sins would doubt him and his memory.

You prevent yourself from sighing in relief.

"If nothing else, the people themselves might be able to help you", Hoseok tries to help. "Depending on how willing they are to assist you, you can probably just talk to them... Otherwise..." He pauses and looks at Daimon and Heishe. "I'm sure your familiars can help you search their thoughts."

You want to protest, but you're all too aware of the fact that you don't really have a choice. You're a demon now, you try to remind yourself. Act like one.

It will be okay, Daimon chimes in in your head. When you look down at your seat, he is watching you intently, and it almost seems as if he is returning your glance with his whiteish, empty eyes. 

We will be with you, he says.

It takes a moment until you realize that every pair of eyes in the room has returned to you. You let your glance wander over the shards hanging in front of you, painfully aware that the huts and houses on them home very real, very alive people, and your chest tightens at the thought of having to harm them.

And yet, as the red eyes of the Seven seem to pierce through you in anticipation, you can't say anything but: "When are we leaving?"

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